Friday, February 17, 2012

Gone From Bad To Worse

On private DGMB TKT 9 days ago.

9 days ago, I thought things were bad. But today? I've come to realise that 9 days ago, I didn't know sh*t about bad, or about how bad bad could get. This week, with a whole bunch of new jobs to work on and a day trip for work in tow, I've begun to feel unbelievably overwhelmed with everything I have on my plate. And now, I'm not so sure if I can actually juggle all I'm committed to juggling with both my hands full and my mind in semi-chaos half the time.

Just thinking about the countless must!do!now! assignments from the two companies I currently work for (namely, KRPG and MCKL) as well as the one never-say-die freelance job that's constantly breathing down my neck from the sidelines alone is driving me insane. It's like my mind is flipping channels all the time! And that's not considering all the other stuff I have to do. Like upkeep a 3-bedroom home, as well as care for a husband and his family.

I'm slipping. I'm losing grip. I know it. I feel it. I don't feel like I'm in control of the situations I find myself caught in anymore. And I hate that feeling. Perhaps even more than I hate being overworked. ='(


infinitium said...

hope things improve soon - hang in there.

in the meantime, smtg to cheer you up:

Pam Song said...

ATTN: infinitium
– I hope so, too. Fingers crossed work will be better sorted and that the timelines are more breathable. Cos right now, I'm drowning. Haha.

And thanks! At first I was expecting Japanese bento sets!!! =p

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