I know I published that my FB career personality test said I'm an INFP but... that's usually not my result. Not when it's not just my approach to my career we're talking about. On normal occasions and in more regular situations outside of work (i.e. when my general approach to everyday life is taken into account), I'm usually an ESTP...

...or an ISTP.
(I've had both results appear before.)
(I've had both results appear before.)
See how the E (Extrovert) and the I (Introvert) are interchangeable? That's cos I'm only a borderline E! Haha. Now you know. So force me, peeve me, push me the wrong way... and I'll go all Introverted on you and refuse to be friends. Just like primary school kids do. Ha! Ha!
Re-do the test if you want to lah ya.
I usually use this site ---> *click*
So far, it's the most reliable one I've found.
Ok. I've gotta run now. Am gonna go back to editing
the hundreds of pictures I took in Singapore.
I usually use this site ---> *click*
So far, it's the most reliable one I've found.
Ok. I've gotta run now. Am gonna go back to editing
the hundreds of pictures I took in Singapore.
Ooh i am ENFJ seems this one is more accurate xD
– Haha. This test better hor. That's why I always use it. =p
i am ENTP
ATTN: Fluxevz
– Ooo. One letter off from mine. Haha. You guys make good lawyers. =p
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