Monday, April 04, 2011

Kenko Reflexology & Fish Spa, Mid Valley Mega Mall

I've been meaning to go for a proper
fish spa session for the longest time now
but just never got around to doing it. :-/

Was supposed to go with Mee last year but I doubt she's up for it anymore considering how she's been spamming my Inbox with forwarded fish-spa-is-bad news. *rolls eyes* Was supposed to go with The Senior Writer, too, but that opportunity for girly time hasn't come about either. *pouts* And if anything, the 2 seconds I spent at the fish spa in Singapore with The Lauderone just doesn't count for nuts since it was too ridiculously short a session. (Story you episode that later.) So... yeah. Been meaning to go one day to make up for it.

Well, that one day came today. =)

And surprise, surprise...
it was The Fiancé who went with me! =D

He calls it the "fish eat leg place". Cos he's a dude that way. But haha... how apt! We initially planned on visiting Foot Master Fish Spa at Sunway Pyramid but since we were at Bangsar earlier today, we changed plans and headed for Kenko Reflexology & Fish Spa at Mid Valley instead. I can't decide now if it was a good or bad choice but I'll explain later. Now,... pictures!! =D

Entrance signage.

For patrons to read up on Doctor Fish.

We were told to wash our feet then spray on some enzyme (looked and felt just like ol' plain tap water to me *skeptical*) that supposedly kills bacteria before we were allowed to dip our feet into the water that housed the Doctor Fish a.k.a Garra Rufa. Probably so people with smelly Hong Kong Feet don't make the fish pengsan and die. HARHAR.

First dip – damn ticklish. Haha.

Getting used to the sensation and starting to really enjoy it.

There were a number of waterholes for us to choose from but in the end, we just stuck to one. From what I read online, apparently different lubang got different fish sizes wan. APPARENTLY LAH. Cos we weren't guided by the staff in any way and were left to our own devices as soon they were done telling us to wash our feet. Oh, and in case you were wondering, the signages in-store were shit, too. Lucky us. -_-'''

The customary sua pa kau self-portait.

Even so, all in all, I must say I had a good time. The experience was pleasant cos the fish bites tickled rather than hurt. And the half hour spent allowing fishes to eat our feet *snicker* was also a good dose of Couple Time spent with The Fiancé. Totally necessary considering our seemingly perpetual state of LDR.

Anyway, here's where it gets
less promotional for Kenko.

I'm no professional lah but in my personal, honest, no udang-di-sebalik-batu opinion, I think these fishes aren't the real deal. (Dun sue me ah, Kenko! I'm just telling it as I see it through my untrained eyes!) Cos although I spent only 5 minutes in the water during last year's Singapore holiday (tell you more about that in another post), my feet were a whole lot smoother then than after the 30 minutes I spent at this outlet. And I'm not talking micro differences, ok? It was pretty darn obvious. Plus, looking at the pictures I took, the fishes don't look at all alike. Colour pun tak sama. :-/

So, anyway... you all decide later lah, ya. I've said my piece. (Although I may follow up with a comparison post later cos I'm damn ngam cham that way. =p) Sure, I had fun getting tickled by the fishes. But to me, results matter, too. And these fish didn't do that much for me on the dry skin front.


陳一豪 said...

Ehh pampam I'm not sure you'll believe or not lahh this one.

I've heard news of people getting blood borne diseases because of open sores from previous users.

While difficult to prove, I think I'd avoid fish spas.

Pam Song said...

ATTN: 陳一豪
– Eee... you like my mama! She also say same thing. Hmmm...

But I felt the Singapore wan was so clean. Didn't feel the same about Kenko though. :-/ Doubt I'll go again.

Jeny said...

Thanks sharing the information and nice pictures in your blog.
Reflexology Perth

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Jeny
- No problem. Thanks for stopping by. =)

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