Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Boys, Beware. You're Ticking.

Whoever it was who said that men get
better with age probably never took Biology.

I mean... men? Get better? With age? How so?

In terms of physical shape? Pfft. Fat chance. (Pun intended. =p) Appearance? Maaayyybbeee. Though how wrinkles and saggy skin help improve the male appearance, I'll never understand. Health? Hmmm, highly unlikey. Oh oh, wait! In fact, science has proven otherwise.

Heh heh.

Boys, it's official.
You're no better off than
us, girls, when it comes to
baby-making in your thirties.

In fact, a new study has recently shown that a man's fertility starts falling in his mid-30s. Seeing that this happens with women a lot of the time (and men blame us for it), it provides strong evidence that men, too, have some kind of in-built biological clock that plays a big role in hiking (or reducing, whichever the case and whatever your age) a woman's chances of getting pregnant.

Some French scientists discovered that male fertility declines upon the man's approach to his mid-thirties. That makes 35, the dreaded mark for both men and women. You see, if a woman is over the age of 35, the success rate of pregnancy is lower. But you'd expect that, wouldn't you? Everything you've read over the years regarding the subject has told you that over and over again. It's the woman's fault.

Very smart, right? Whatever it is, whenever there's a problem, it's always the woman's fault. The baby's a boy, it's HER fault. Cannot get pregnant, it's HER fault. Miscarriage, also HER fault. Very smart, right? Whatever it is, whenever there's a problem, it's always the woman's fault. HELLO! PLEASE LAHHH. Open your eyes and start reading up on scientific research can or not???

It's P-R-O-V-E-N.

It has been discovered that a father's age also adversely affects the rate of miscarriage in pregnancy. If Daddy Dearest is over the age of 34, the miscarriage rate is 16.7%. That's a LOT when you think of it in terms of A-Chance-At-Life, okay. And the numbers don't stop there. Between the ages of 35 and 39, it goes up to 19.5%. And above the age of 44, it jumps to a crazy 32.4%! That means that nearly ONE-THIRD of all conceptions end in miscarriages just because DADDY no longer produced top-notch sperm!

The explanation? Well, it is said that the problems were likely the result of DNA damage and fragmentation in sperm. And that 'bad sperm' produce is what leads to pregnancy failure and miscarriage. So the cycle kinda goes this way for men: old age > increased DNA damage > damaged and fragmented sperm > pregnancy failure and miscarriage.

So, it's official. It's not the girls who're the only ones with due dates. Boys come with ticking clocks, too! Heh heh. Looks like there's justice, equality and fairness in the world and its make-up after all. *smug smile*


Browning, Eliza, Biological Clocks Tick For Men, Too. Men's Fertility Plummets in Late 30s, Early 40s (7 July 2008). Retrieved 9 July 2008 from Men's Sexual Health, abc NEWS website:


Rainer Yong said...

don't mean to sound like an arse. but do you believe every thing you read? :P

i won't deny that in this modern age, both gender is at risk. you girls have your breast cancer and we have out prostate cancer to worry about. gahhhhh. sucks.

scientist and researchers spent yearssssss and lots of money trying to figure out where AIDS came from. and their conclusion was that "someone had sex with a monkey".

i can't remember the name of the book that was from, t'was years ago. but hey! there's a possibility that what they researched is in fact true. even your 30s-male-ticking-time-bomb source.

i guess the right sentence to use here is "don't TOTALLY believe everything you read"

good day miss. keep on blogging. you entertain me :D

Anonymous said...

I especially like that part where everything is the woman's fault. That is so typical of the male gender. Have they realised that the gender of the baby depends totally on them? Cheh.

Anonymous said...

One more thing, guys get breast cancer too.. :p

Anonymous said...

haha....who says sperms get weak with age? honey, Tongkat Ali and oysters mah...And those scientists sudah salah specimen....Results VOID VOID VOID! =P

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Rainer Yong
– Ooo! You just achieved what you didn't want to! You sounded just like an arse.

Haha. Kiddin.

No lah, I don't believe everything I read. But this, I WANT to believe. Haha. So that's why I'm stuffing my new-found knowledge down your throats. Enjoy!

Keep blogging? Sure thing! Love it. Haha. Just make sure you stay tuned and don't leave me talking on my own.

And Mei Ann is right. You guys now have breast cancer to worry about, too. Mwahahaha. Pure joy.

ATTN: SarahMeiAnn
– It's damn sien to kena blame all the time, right??? Beh tahan. Too much lah all these people. Tsk tsk. No shame.

And yes, 5% (or something like that) of breast cancer patients are men. Heh heh.

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Adrian Lim
– Puh-leeze. You're just in denial. And you're scared. Cos you're getting OOOLLLLDDDD. Mwahahaha. Go find a woman and marry her now can or not???

Anonymous said...

Wat?! Old?! No getting deadlier la!....Girl see also sure syok wan.....Harga saham...NAIK NAIK! =P

And you think want to get married.....get married ah?! Like beli sayur liddat...Hahaha =PP

Jono said... wonder why they call u feminist lah... Thats a biased review and argument and even your reference(ONE?!) is written by a female^.^ Here in med school male can be fertile up to 50 - 60 years old. Thats from textbooks and world wide statistics ;) But why care so much. Whod wanna have babies so old. Haiyo.... Pam, later ppl say u insecure leh. Hahaha...

If its any consolation, I think women age like fine wine.

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Adrian Lim
– Denial. Denial. Denial.

And no, I don't think it's easy getting married. But I don't think you're looking hard enough either. Just cos my grandma not around doesn't mean you have to stop scouting, you know???

ATTN: Jo-no
– AARGGGHHHH!!! It's not biased!!!

Not really, at least.

Got scientific research wan lah. And I never once said that men were not fertile past the age of 35. I merely stated that the fertility rate begins DROPPING at that age. See? You not listening. You're only reading and absorbing what you WANT to read and accept. Tsk tsk.

And don't come and textbook me okay. Malaysia history says a great deal of stuff. Do you believe EVERYTHING it says?

And you never know if people wanna have babies so old or not. If you don't get married by 25 - 26, your third child may well be after you're 35. (If you practice good family planning lah.) Nothing to do with insecurity. It's SCIENCE.

And I don't like to be associated with liqueur, thank you.

Jono said...

HAha... It is and u know it.

Malaysian text book can pi-mampui of course. Mine not Malaysian. Mine peer reviewed by internation docs. Hmp!

Ermm.... okay. So Women age like fine wine. Pam age like.....(think non-alcohol...) MILK !


Pam Song said...

ATTN: Jo-no

And you're biased, too! You're partial to international texts. What happened to Malaysia Boleh??? Shame on you.

You have to admit, though, that whatever you read in those textbooks of yours may not be as up-to-date as what's on the web. Heh heh.

And I don't believe you just said I'd be yoghurt. -_-

Jin said...

men still produce sperms after women had their menopause..

ngek ngek ngek...

beat that.

concerned heart said...

You are so right about the male biological clock. It is to blame for a great deal of non-familial autism, schizophrenia, type 1 diabetes, MS, Alzheimer's, prostate cancer, breast cancer, etc. etc. etc. Miscarriage is the tip of the iceberg for the role of the father in the health of offspring.

James F. Crow professor emeritus University of Wisconsin said in 1997
"I conclude that for a number of diseases the mutation rate increases with age and at a rate much faster than linear. This suggests that the greatest mutational health hazard in the human population at present is fertile old male.",21985,23849196-5000117,00.html

Pam Song said...

– Pfft. So what if you produce? The baka like crap liddat. Heh.

ATTN: concerned heart

The boys need to know that they're also to blame when things go wrong. My bf keeps telling me that I need to start eating well so that my body is healthy enough for pregnancy later but... DIA PUN MESTI HEALTHY, RIGHT???

And you've really researched the topic huh? Respect. Haha.

~YM~ said...

I believe that woman should not be blamed for infertility. That's true. Determining gender is also like a 2-sided coin. Why choose? we're not in the barbaric stone age period anyway..

In fact, sperms and eggs both undergoes damage with time.

Never attempt to give birth when you're old, so as a general thumb rule, get a child at least by the age of 20's.

From a medical prospect, male breast cancer is quite rare. Ironic to the guy, but if a male have breast cancer, it means that all female relatives of him has very high risk of getting breast cancer. So that's nothing to be happy about.One male affected means there could be a few females who are going to be affected.

Other risk factors for breast cancer which can be prevented includes:
1) Giving birth to 1st child after age of 30.
2)Did not breastfeed the children
3) oral contraceptive pills

Back to the main issue, the sperm count also decrease with age. But well, quantity does not spell quality, so no worries, unless urs dropped real low! :P

So those 50's or 60's uncles stop thinking of having estra-marital affairs, Sudah TAK BOLEH LA!!!

Cometh said...

You are evil... plain evil i tell you..

Give some face worrr.... =p

Anonymous said...! Never stop trying......and your grandma was really good at it......miss her voice la....=)

Pam Song said...

– It's true. I don't see why everybody wants boy babies. So what if you get a girl? Sheesh. Sexist kau kau.

And yes, I agree. Sperm and eggs both undergo damage with time.
Therefore, BOTH parties are at fault when problems in pregnancy take place. NOT just the woman.

That's why, it's best to start the 'factory' when you're in your 20s. Thing is, so many people keep waiting and waiting and waiting! Dunno wait for what also. I have tonnes of friends who are already approaching their late 20s and they're still dating. No plans to get married yet. I say, "Bodoh."

And about that breast cancer thingy, it's another reason for women to strive to get pregnant while their bodies are in their prime. I.e. before they hit 30. Breast cancer dun play play. It's a matter of life and death.



PEOPLE (whatever their age) should NOT think about extramarital affairs lah. You want me to stone you to death issit?

ATTN: Cometh
– Heh heh. Love it lah. LOVE IT! Fear the wrath of a jaded woman. Hear her roar!

ATTN: Adrian Lim
– Haha. My grandma was the pro lah. Haha.

~YM~ said...

haha..i know i know..whatever age also shudn't have extramarital affairs.. but there is a tendency for those 50's and 60's to have an affair cos they are going so-called mid-life crisis (padahal is old life crisis..keke)

Those below that age who had extramarital affair would have to face castraction though.. oh ya.. having 2 bf or gf also would suffer from the same consequences!

Pam Song said...

– To me, no excuse ah, I feel. Seriously. Off with his dicky, I say! Off with his dicky.

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