Sunday, July 06, 2008

Can We Really Co-Exist?

Are Long Distance Relationships (LDRs) really possible?
I mean, I've been in one for awhile but... I don't know.
Are they really, really, really possible?

I guess it's somewhat different if you're both studying and the long-distance period that's called for will end eventually when you both pack up and finish your studies. Not too bad, right? At least there's an end date to the distance. But what if both of you are already working and neither one sees the possibility of going there or coming back in the near future? Then what? Is it still possible?

Hmmm. I don't know.
Sounds a lot like aimless dating to me.

LDRs take waaay more effort than relationships that are carried out in one location. You never have the person you love by your side. You never see them. You only hear from them... for a couple of minutes (at most, an hour when you're both really, really free) in your 24-hour day. When you need a shoulder, all you have is a telephone. When you wish you could comfort them, all you have are hundreds of Hallmark e-cards at your disposal. When you want to hold hands, the best you can get is an old picture in your hands... in place of theirs.

You never get to lie awake and hear them breathe. You never get to kiss the lips that tell you they love you. You never get to smell newly purchased shampoo on their hair. You only hear about it. You never get to see something together and laugh about it when it happens. Cos it's always you laughing first and then... if you still remember it hours later, you tell them, and then they laugh. And many a time, they don't even do that. Cos, well, things are funnier in the flesh than when they are retold, right?

What I'm sure of is that long distance sucks big time. Especially when its you being continents apart from the one you love. (State summore not so bad.) It's tough. It's difficult. And it's so far from Easy you wouldn't even know where Easy begins and where it ends.

Thing is, considering how hard it already is, would you be okay with your partner offering up a room at their humble abode in a land foreign to you (IF you ever got into an LDR lah), to a friend of the opposite sex for a couple of weeks... or more? Depending on how soon that friend finds a place of their own, of course.

Hmmm. I don't know. Should we be okay with it?
And even if we're not, should we at least pretend to be?
(Just to preserve the peace, if for no other reason.)

What if they told you it's cos that friend is going through a housing dilemma due to the increase of rental rates? Quite pitiful right? You'd probably open your house up to that said person, too. But oh, you're the same sex as that friend. No wonder it didn't seem as weird. Heh. But should you really go right ahead and deprive your partner of the chance to help someone out just cos of their God-given difference is the genitalia area?

Hmmm. I don't know.
Sounds pretty mean, to me.

But then again...

There your partner would be. Sitting in that home of his/hers. Alone. (Did I forget to mention that the situation is one where your partner is alone, without the presence of family, in that foreign land they've chosen to call Home for the next few years of their life? Sorry. My bad.) Yes, alone. With that friend of his/hers. Spending time. Sharing thoughts. Deep conversations. And... oh, a bathroom.

Dammit, that blasted bathroom dilemma again.
Makes me not know things every time. Rarr.

Maybe if they both kept their clothes on at all times while sharing the same space, it'd be okay. Maybe. But you never really know if the person they're inviting into their home is a clothes-always-on-except-in-private kind of person, right? At least not until they start living with each other. (*winch* I just hate the sound of that last part.) For all you know, their invited guest may just turn out to be an I-never-dress-in-the-bath kind of person. And that'd be a whole lot of fun for you, no? Welcome to the Emotional Rollercoaster, everybody! Hop on, one and all! You're in for a never ending ride of thrills and chills. -_-

Hmmm. I don't know.
Asians and caucassians are pretty different
when it comes to issues of 'self-display'
so I won't judge that which I don't know.

And what if they told you that that said friend isn't 'their type'? (This is a what-the-hell statement to me, by the way. Who cares if the person is not your type? Should your partner start worrying if it WAS your type??? There should be no TYPE in the first place! Only that you're with the person you're with, and that's that. End of story.) Should everything be okay then? No worries, right? At least not technically.

Hai-yah, I really don't know lah.
This long-distance love talk is just messed up.

I'd feel really mean and heartless for saying 'No'. But I'd so smack myself silly for being stupid enough to say 'Yes', too. Sigh. After all this self-projected thinking on my part, I ask you this simple question with no easy answer:

Would you be okay with your partner allowing
a friend of the opposite sex bunk in with him/her
for an indefinite period of time?

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