Monday, March 10, 2008

Things You Probably Wouldn't Ever Know About Pam Song If She Didn't Tell You

1. She likes the way she looks when she cries... but just before she cries too much and her eyes get too puffy.

2. She loves the sound of her voice when it's at the onset of a flu. SEH-ZEE LOR!!!

3. She sings at the top of her voice and bounces to tunes when she's alone in the car.

4. She doesn't mind traffic jams. She has an incredible amount of patience for them. Serious.

5. She likes her stuff to be positioned in 90 and 45-degree angles.

6. She likes going to the dentist.

7. When she sees needles, she feels a strong urge to go into Fight-Or-Flight mode.

8. Only pros manage to get blood outta her.

9. She likes her left hand better than her right.

10. She likes her right foot better than her left.

Have a good Monday, you guys. =)


sheon said...

have a good monday....?? happy malaysia saw a new hope....but upset share market crashed.... never thought losing a couple of thousands within a span of a few hours is ... err..... 'exciting'?

1. can i make you cry this saturday?
2. yeah...flu can be sexy...
3. i do that as well...
4. sometimes i dun mind jams, coz i can fully indulge in #3
5. i have no preference, i just like them arranged and organised. but i am organised-mess person...if ya know what i mean...
6. is the dentist cute?..
7. compelled to hide my true feelings for needles.
8. hahahahaha...
9. i like my right
10. i like my right too

Anonymous said...

Okay....Adrian is coming with Tanduks liao ^W^

1 = Hmmm.....pity....she needs more chocolates to cheer her up....

2 = Can go to bf and send "Im sick and you know what to do har?!" message......

3 = Training sessions for the next Malaysian's Idol?

4 = Can enjoy longer music (flyFM) lol....I did that too...

5 = Wannabe another 'Tower of PISA Builder!

6 = Have too much plaques to rid off. Thats whyla...

7 = Oh! Aneh 'kay-boh' wan.......Im tempted to send her a poccupine this year!

8.= Another kay boh story!

9 = left hand is for the bf to hold and bf is right handed....

10 = Bigger Right Foot! And she moves with the right foot first!

Correct boh my predictions....Hahahaha =P

Pam Song said...

ATTN: sheon
– Haha. Put your money in FD. =p

1. No.
2. Only when it's me.
3. Us and a few million other people. Haha.
4. Oh yeah. I totally get what you're sayin.
5. Haha. Everything's everywhere but you know where everything is. Right? Been there. =p
6. No. He's an old apek.
7. Chicken shit.
8. It's true!!!
9. Eeee.
10. Same answer twice. How uncreative. =p

ATTN: adrian
– *groan*

1. Chocolates don't make me feel better.
2. Haha. He will ask, "Eh, you really sick wan meh?"
3. You never know. =p
4. Mix, Fly, Hitz or Light. I channel surf a lot. Sometimes even Traxx.
5. Huh?
6. Excuse me, my teeth happen to be in impeccable condition.
7. Cheh. Like you so tough liddat.
8. Backside! This one has got nothing to do with fear. It's biology.
9. Hmmm. Never thought of that before. But I think I always use my right hand. I think lah.
10. I move with my left foot first.

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