Remember the Love My Job wallpaper
I designed back in August '07?
*points below*
*points below*
(If you don't remember, it probably means that
you're either a new regular, a first time popper-by
you're either a new regular, a first time popper-by
Well, I started using it again. Thought it'd be good to remind myself of the love I
"Recycle! That's what you do.
Recycle! Yes, it's true."
Recycle! Yes, it's true."
Ugh. Feels like highschool all over again.
Ugh. Feels like highschool all over again.
Thing is, all was well with my wallpaper till Ah Beng came along and did his thing. You see, the fella needed to use my Firewire port to transfer files urgently so I agreed to met him up last night. (Sigh *shakes head* what would the boi ever do without me?) And since I was SO TRUSTING and SO KIND, I just passed my MacBook to him and didn't take a second look at it till I got home.
Bad. Move.
Look at this!!!
In true blue Ah Beng fashion, my wallpaper got bastard-ised in the very short time my lappie laid on his lap. -_-
Look at this!!!
After Ah Beng gave my wallpaper some Sungai Wang-styled lovin'.
The hoe!
Look at that sprinkling of folders
all over my desktop lah, kanasai!
Here's a close up to what he wrote on each folder.
The hoe!
Look at that sprinkling of folders
all over my desktop lah, kanasai!
Here's a close up to what he wrote on each folder.
*Click on image to enlarge*
Haiyo! Fai or not this boy, I ask you???
*rolls eyes dramatically*
Haiyo! Fai or not this boy, I ask you???
*rolls eyes dramatically*
And not only did he use my comp AND bastard-ise it, it's now playing the part of being his external HDD, too. (All folders on my desktop were faux folders. Empty, useless and pointless. Except for this one.)
"HAPPY SLUT FEST (bitch don't delete yet
– you have so much hard disk space left, i checked)"
*Click on image to enlarge*
– you have so much hard disk space left, i checked)"
*Click on image to enlarge*
I'm charging you interest for this, Slut.
*grumble grumble grumble*
I'm charging you interest for this, Slut.
*grumble grumble grumble*
With friends like this you don't need enemies!!!
awwwhh.. isn't that nice?
ATTN: Melsong
– You said it!
ATTN: Jeffro
– Yeah. It's "nice". Hahahaha. Kacau aje budak tu!
ahaha... but that's cool ain't it..
sgt creative.. lol
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