Saturday, October 04, 2008

My Attempt To Understand

The day I found the video of Michael Tamman's Reflections of a Skyline (it was the same day I published that post – Thursday, September 18, 2008), I did no work after 8pm (though I had a tonne of JRs to go through -_-'). No, siree. Instead, I ended up spending 4 whole hours (at the office, no less) transcribing everything the two characters said on that rooftop. (Yes, I was that obsessed with understanding what the director/writer meant to convey.) Sigh. I even colour-coded the text by character. Quite semangat hor?

Well, I think that after all the work I put in, I can now ALMOST safely say that I get it. I finally get the whole picture. (I think.)

Have a read.


TOGETHER (Christopher Dunlop & Fiona Peance)

And I wanna play hide and seek. Give you my clothes. Tell you I love your shoes. Sit on the steps while you take a bath. And massage your neck. And kiss your face. And hold your hand. And go for a walk. Not mind when you eat my food. And meet you at Rudy's. And talk about the day. And talk about YOUR day. And laugh at your... Your paranoia.

I give you tapes you don't listen to.
Watch great films. Watch terrible films! And tell you about the TV program I saw the night before. And not laugh at your jokes.

I want you in the morning.
But let you sleep in for awhile. Tell you how much I love.. Your eyes. Your lips. Your neck. Your tits. Your arse.

I sit on the steps smoking until your neighbours come home.
And sit on the steps smoking until you come home. And worry when you're... Late. And be amazed when you're early. I give you sunflowers. And go to your party. And dance. Be sorry when I'm wrong. And happy when you forgive me. I look at your photos. And wish I'd known you forever. Hearing your voice. In my ear. Feel your skin... On my skin.

And get scared when you're angry.
I tell you you're gorgeous. And hug you when you're anxious. And hold you when you hurt. And want you when I smell you. And offend you when I touch you. And whimper. When I'm next to you. And whimper when I'm not.

Dribble on your breast.
Smother you in the night. And get cold when you take the blanket. And hot when you don't. Melt when you smile. Dissolve when you laugh. But not understand how you think I'm rejecting you. When I'm not rejecting you. And wonder... How could you could ever think that I'd ever reject you. And wonder... And wonder... Who you are. But I accept you anyway.

And tell you about the Tree Angel.
Enchanted Forest book. Who flew across the ocean. Because he loved you.

I buy you presents you don't want.
And take them away again. And ask you to marry me. And you say 'no' again. And keep on asking because don't... You think I don't mean it? But I always have since the first time I asked you.

I wander the city. Thinking. It's empty without you. But I want what you want. And think... I'm losing myself. BUT BUT BUT, I'll tell you the worst of me. And try... To give you the best of me. Because... You don't deserve any less.

Answer your questions when I'd rather not.
And tell you the truth. When I really don't want to. And try to be honest. Because I know you prefer it. You think it's all over but... Hang on for just 10 more minutes. Before you throw me out of your life. Forget who I am. And let me try and get closer to you. And somehow... Somehow... Somehow... communicate some of the overwhelming. Undying. Overpowering. Unconditional. All-encompassing. Heart-enriching. Mind-expanding. On-going. Never-ending love. I have for you.


MALE (Christopher Dunlop)

And I wanna play hide and seek. Give you my clothes. Tell you I love your shoes. Sit on the steps while you take a bath. Not mind when you eat my food and talk about YOUR day, your paranoia.

I give you tapes you don't listen to. Watch terrible films!

I want you in the morning. Tell you how much I love your lips, your tits.

I sit on the steps smoking until your neighbours come home. And worry when you're... I give you sunflowers. Be sorry when I'm wrong. I look at your photos. Hearing your voice. Feel your skin... I tell you you're gorgeous. And hold you when you hurt. When I'm next to you. Dribble on your breast. And hot when you don't. Dissolve when you laugh. But not understand how you think I'm rejecting you. How could you could ever think that I'd ever reject you? But I accept you anyway.

Enchanted Forest book. Because he loved you.

I buy you presents you don't want. And ask you to marry me. And keep on asking because don't... But I always have since the first time I asked you. It's empty without you. But I want what you want. And think... BUT BUT BUT, I'll tell you the worst of me. And try... Because... Answer your questions when I'd rather not; when I really don't want to. Because I know you prefer it.

Hang on for just 10 more minutes. Forget who I am. And let me try and get closer to you. Somehow... Undying, unconditional, heart-enriching, on-going, never-ending love.


FEMALE (Fiona Peance)

And massage your neck. And kiss your face. And hold your hand. And go for a walk. And meet you at Rudy's. And talk about the day. And laugh at your... Watch great films. And tell you about the TV program I saw the night before. And not laugh at your jokes. But let you sleep in for awhile. Your eyes. Your neck. Your arse.

And sit on the steps smoking until you come home late. And be amazed when you're early. And go to your party. And dance. And happy when you forgive me. And wish I'd known you forever. In my ear, on my skin.

And get scared when you're angry. And hug you when you're anxious. And want you when I smell you. And offend you when I touch you... and whimper. And whimper when I'm not.

Smother you in the night and get cold when you take the blanket. Melt when you smile when I'm not rejecting you. And wonder... And wonder... And wonder... Who you are.

And tell you about the Tree Angel. Who flew across the ocean.

And take them away again. And you say 'no' again. You think I don't mean it? I wander the city. Thinking. I'm losing myself to give you the best of me. You don't deserve any less. And tell you the truth. And try to be honest. You think it's all over but... Before you throw me out of your life. And somehow... Somehow... communicate some of the overwhelming, overpowering, all-encompassing, mind-expanding, on-going, never-ending love I have for you.


Do you get it now? It's brilliant, innit?

When read in full and watched in totality, it seems like the couple's heading for a painful break up. From being lovey-dovey, the emotions they expressed for one another grew more and more angry, more and more negative along the way.

But when you look at the thought patterns of both parties in isolation, they begin somewhat frustrated with what their relationship but actually grow more and more passionate about the love they have for one another as the camera rolls.

Awesome. It's work like this that
makes me wanna do great things.

10 comments : said...


Pam Song said...

– I bet you didn't even make it past the first paragraph. Haha.


yapthomas said...

I watched over and over and over again...

Meaningful to the core of a relationship..

Pam Song said...

ATTN: yapthomas
– Good stuff huh? A friend did a google search and found another interpretation yesterday. Will post when I've the time. That's a different meaning again already. SUPERB LAH!

estherlauderlyn said...

Hey I never saw it in that light! I mean.. wow. You can really feel what goes on individually if you separated the dialogues like that. And you can feel the strain and the longings and all that goes on in the individual minds of a woman and man. Good one Pam!

choco said...

The first time I watched it I thought the same thing-that they were on the verge of breaking up. And then I watched it again and got to the point where I understood they were actually going through the good and bad of their relationship.


But I never transcribe the clip la, so passionate la you. ahaha. said...

pam: memang. i saw words only, alphabets to be precise.

Unknown said...

Diligently transcribing the video. Good girl!

I was thinking they could have the ending where after they finiz the (dozy) monologues, both them then turned around, saw each other on opposite ends of the roof tops, then quickly run towards each other n embrace.

Smart lah u, to divide up the monologues. There was a film, My Blueberry Nights. Not that there is a direct correlation but its fancy.

Pam Song said...

ATTN: estherlauderlyn
– Haha. Awesomeness, huh? I love this text lah. So many insights! Have got a couple more posts to finish this 'series' up. Will do it as soon as my brain allows me to form full paragraphs of intelligible text. STAY TUNED!

ATTN: choco
– Love it. Love it. Love it.

That's why lah so semangat to transcribe everything. Haha. People do crazy things when they're in love. =p

– Talking to you is such a waste of vowels.

ATTN: Chris
– HAHAHA. No lah. That would be so potong! You can see from the video that they were there from daylight to night. How is it possible that they didn't know they were on the same rooftop for all that time?! Nope nope. Tak jadi. Plan fail. Idea not approved. =p

Should I look out for My Blueberry Nights?

Unknown said...

Ok, ok, that was juz too predictable a story. Oh and i said rooftops, i.e. the next door rooftop.

How bout this....

They were doin the monologue then it snowed (light snowing). Then it shifts to the guy continuing in his apartment by his fire place, lying next to it. While the gal continues in her studio apartment, sitting by her massive window, looking out in the not-too-sunny, but still bright snowy weather.

Then they both hit the streets, still continuing monologue-ing. Then its evening, setting shifts to lampposts, park benches. One final stroll and in one fateful twist they both stumble onto each other at the skating park. Wound up skating under the snow.

The End. It shall be called, "The Wintery Long-winded Monologues".

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