Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Taking Sides = Take Him To Your Side... PLEASE?

So there's this colleague who's been invading-slash-lounging at-slash-migrated to The Cu•bi•cle for awhile now. (We've got a hotspot. We know.) And the thing about The Cu•bi•cle and its current tenants (i.e. Pam Song + Ah Beng of the Company) is that we like to keep things as neat as we possibly can for as long as we possibly can. But... while there are THREE people occupying a TWO-people workspace, things are bound to get a little messy.

Pam Song: *looks at desk*

Ah Beng of the Company: *shakes head*

Pam Song: I know. Like where's the desk, yo? It's so messy! His mess has made your mess meet mine!!!

Ah Beng of the Company: Since he's working with you, can I banish his stuff to YOUR side of the table?

Pam Song: Uh, like, no. We're in this together. He's brainstorming with me but he's doing the work YOU were assigned to. Hah!

Ah Beng of the Company: But he keeps looking your way to discuss with you!!! I get the ass, you get the smile. Where is the fairness in that!?

Pam Song: Haha. Too bad. Anyways, I get the lousy aircon. We're even.

There. Is. No. Desk.
Just trash.


k0k s3n w4i said...

God. If that's ur idea of a messy...

You're so going to muntah darah when u see my desk -.-

- l e s l e y* - said...

Haha yeah I agree with Sen Wai.. my study table is sooo messy I have to clean it up soon to actually be able to put a book there to study =P. Oh and I see a nice-looking laptop there on the left. I wannnt!!!

Pam Song said...

ATTN: k0k s3n w4i
– HAHA. Doctors get away with everything lah. Even bad writing. said...

ATTN: - l e s l e y* -
– Young lady, you're a woman in the making. Please do your prospect of looking for a husband some justice and not advertise your messiness online for all to see. HAHA.

And dearie, that laptop's taken. Find your own one. =p

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