Monday, January 07, 2008

No Improvement

I'm much poorer now after my visit to the doc's office yesterday but am not much better. It still itches *pulls hair out from frustration* and the temperature of my skin around the area is still tingly and hot. Plus, I don't know if it's all in my head (I don't think it is lah) but the swelling seems to be worse than yesterday!

2200 hours, 6 January 2008.

12 hours, 3 tablets and a cream later...

(For the allergy...)

( take away the swelling...)

( stop the itch...)

(...dunno for what wan.)


I think I just wasted good money
cos I ended up waking up to this...

Don't you think it got worse?
And right now, it looks like this...

I don't think I've ever seen my arm this fat.
Yuck. Gotta go see the company doc later.
Need. To. Get. This. Problem. Solved.
(...before I go botak from ripping my hair out
each time I try to keep myself from scratching.)



Anonymous said...

Let me scratch for you. FOC.

Pam Song said...

Pfft. I don't have scratching rights also you think YOU can get? Dream on, man!

Accyee said...

i hope ur arm gets well soon!!!! wear long sleeves for now??

Pam Song said...

I hope it does, too. Sniff. Cannot wear long sleeves also. Cos it gets hot and when it's hot, it's VERY itchy. =(

Anonymous said...

Oh. Here's something for it :

Medication : anti-hystamine tablets ie Zyrtec. (Caution: may cause drowsiness)

Jab: corticosteroid . It should help. but don't use it unless its really necessary because the needle is bigger than the usual one .

Physical: do not, under any amount of itchiness, attempt to scratch. Try heat therapy it might work ( hmm, or isit chill therapy?)

If redness/swellling/itchiness persist, go to sleep. The swell might disappear.


Pam Song said...

ATTN: Jessica
– Hey, thanks! Thanks loads!

I got Zyrtec from Doc 2. She prescribed it to me for the daytime. She says it's the most-powerful, least-drowsy drug available. Haha. I got a killer one for the night that's supposed to knock me out completely. Hope it works.

As for the jab... uh, I think I'll give it a miss. I sket.

And I'm struggling to keep from scratching. AARRRGGHHHHH!

It feels like heaven when I spray hot hot water on it. H-E-A-V-E-N. Can't wait to go home for another scalding hot bath. Haha.

luxen said...

hey, the doctor gave you a racun that is named after you. How interesting.


Better to apply cold water or ice packs. The reason being, the itch nerves travel the same path as the cold nerves. Send cold signals would short circuit the itch signals. Hot showers is only temporary. In fact, you'll feel itchy later again. Try body shampoo that has aloe vera in it. If you can find an aloe vera plant, even better. Cut out the gel and apply it on your arm. Don't eat it.

Your rash actually looks like bed bugs bite. Since you moved to a new place, you should fumigate the whole place before sleeping there. Take a bottle of ridsect and spray the heck out of the whole apartment. Make sure you sun the apartment too.

Take your mattress, pillow and sun it.

Pam Song said...

ATTN: luxen
– HAHA. Good one with the poison observation. Haha. Good one.

And yeah, I'm thinking cold would be better than hot. The hot thingy is only nice while it's hot. The after effects are pretty disastrous.

Don't have no aloe vera. =(

And that's what Doc 2 said. She thinks it's bugs. I thought it was bugs too but after that it grew so big! Plus, I was wearing a jacket when I got it. MY own jacket. Which, I just washed. So... dunno lah.

And in terms of the room, all the furniture's mine. As is the mattress. And that room WAS sunned. (I don't have curtains, remember? =p)

Did you google to answer the way you did? Haha. It felt like I was reading an article. =p

luxen said...

personal experience, I had something similar. I write/type well... so say I.

Pam Song said...

You had bed bugs? Yuck. Why so dirty wan you?

And oh, definitely. I totally agree... so you say. =p

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