Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Who Do You Blog For?

NOTE: Extreme narccisism and excessive self-interest views contained within this post. Do not proceed if you have been found to be allergic to blog contents of such self-absorbed nature. Consider yourselves forewarned. Proceed with caution.


I've got a friend who seems to be a little bothered and concerned about the aftereffects of one of her posts. I mean, it's good to reflect upon what you've said. Of course, it is. I do it, too. But sometimes, I find that reflection turns bad when it's no longer for self-improvement but for people-pleasing purposes.

I believe that if you're gonna look back at something you've written (with heart, at that), at least let it be for self-analysis, self-betterment or self-improvement... and NOT for the sake of some idiot who left an equally idiotic comment.

I don't particularly accept the idea of blogging for the masses. I mean, if I'm paid to blog for an online publication or a purely monetising blog, then sure... I'll write whatever it is they want the masses to hear and believe.

But this isn't that kind of blog, now, is it?
This happens to be a PERSONAL blog. MY blog.

So why should I write only what YOU want to hear? Why should I share YOUR thoughts and not MINE? Why speak with YOUR voice and not mine? Why give YOUR opinion and not mine? And why do you even expect me to?


Blogging is narcissistic lah okay.

Let's get that out in the open
and just admit it, alright?

It is.

We blog cos we want somebody – anybody – to hear what we have to say. We want to know that our opinions matter to the people out there... even if they happen to be people we don't even know. But that not-knowing-our-readers deal isn't really a problem, is it? I mean, we've more or less gotten use to the whole concept of writing for a faceless crowd. In fact, when I first started, I used to write without even knowing if I had readers! Haha. It was purely for self-entertainment. That's how couldn't-care-less I was to this whole blogging thing. (Hmmm. Not anymore though. Readership has begun to matter. It pays the bills.)

So my question is this:

Why get all bothered and flustered
when somebody faceless steps forward
and reacts negatively towards
something you've written?

It's YOUR BLOG for crying out loud. So go ahead and write whatever it is you want to write. Who cares what the rest of the world thinks? For all you know, you've probably got 10 nodding heads and one loud lousy 'No'. Don't think that you've messed up just cos all you hear is that 'No'. Lighten up, okay? You've got your opinion, they've got theirs. Agree to disagree and just let it slide.

Personally, I blog because it's my escape. In here is where I clear my head and process my thoughts. It's where I have a license to ramble and rant on whatever it is I want to ramble and rant about – whenever I want, on whatever I want, just cos I wanna. In here, I'm not answerable to anybody but myself. And in here is where my writing is at its purest. Really now, who cares if you don't like what I say? If you think I do, you're wrong. I'm not that nice, nor am I that concerned about your views on my views. I. Don't. Care. So you shouldn't, too.

I already get paid to write stuff I don't necessarily believe in or want to write about on a daily basis. That's my JOB. (Yeah, go figure.) And I make a living out of it. I write to make YOU believe what product and service providers want you to believe (NOW, you know)... and I get paid for doing that!

But blogging isn't like that.
At least Tinki Talks isn't like that.

If I should ever hold back any opinion of mine, believe me when I say that it's for selfish reasons. As much as you're narcissistic, I am, too. So stop thinking that every thing's about you. In here, every thing is about ME.

1. I don't want to be dragged into court for defamation or sedition or be pulled into an ugly lawsuit.

2. I don't want to get hauled out of my home in the dead of the night by the ISA.

3. I don't believe in being mean to minority groups and/or underprivileged individuals.

4. I don't want to offend or hurt the people I actually care and give two-hoots about.

I, me and myself. That's all blogging is about.

And be honest with yourself when you answer me this:
Am I wrong to assume that in MY blog?

I think not.


Sher said...

I had an encounter too just two days ago. X was afraid his girlfriend would be angry if he made friends with girls. They've been in a LDR for 6 years (him in Sg, she in the US). When i added him on friendster, he was so afraid but told me not to post any pictures of us hanging out and thus i didnt. but when he found out about my blog where i'd post some pictures of him. He told me to take it down! i was so wtf. Ive respected him enough not to put our pictures on friendster and listened to their relationship problems but now hes controlling my blog too? its my personal diary and its not like its so exposed like most of the famous bloggers are. ITS MY BLOG DAMMIT and couldnt he just respected a tiny bit for me? I mean for goodness sake, 6 years and absolutely no trust? this gotta be the stupidest joke ive ever heard, which hence led me to tell him off with 'dont put your guilt on others to blame.' I also told him i wouldnt take it down but will no longer put up pictures of us anymore considering he was so sensative. This diary got me through thick and thin and i wanted to blog to help my ever-dying memory loss. -_-
I used to have a group blog but left because one of them started controlling my writings, 'No u cant write this. No write about that instead!' which is so pissing off.

Sorry for expressing so much here. haha just thought i needed to share and let out. >_<

good post tho! ;)

Pam Song said...

Haha. I'll bet we've all had that kind of response at one time or another. But... it comes with blogging, doesn't it?

And about X, I think it's ridiculous lah. What you say is true. There's no trust. The relationship is immature. Very.

But then again, being in a LDR is scary. Been there, done that. It's where you do everything you can to reassure the other party that you're keeping yourself for him/her. It's a very shaky time loh. But... they should both learn to deal with it lah.

And I hardly ever group blog. More like never. Haha. I find it hard to do so cos I don't like the way some people express their views. So rather than associate myself with them, I just write my own stuff and be happy in my own world. Plus, like you, I don't like people telling me what to say and what not to say. =p

Rant away. I've got time... and space. =)

Linora 'Aronil' Low said...

Thanks my dear, that was a good post and I needed that. But i suppose it's hard sometimes when you know the one criticizing is a person you know personally...Oh what the heck la... like whatevahhh :P One can either let it go or continue to resist the rough 'friction' of argument.

Sher: Think you friend needs to relook at his relationship status. LDR maybe hard but, it shouldn't be with that much insecurity. Both individuals have a life and the fact that you are a friend in his life, shouldn't let their relationship be affected. They have to settle things with themselves.

The fear to some people is that they understand what a blogs purpose is for. Some consider it a diary, some a hazardous thing to as long as you know what it's for, that's all that matter. Keep up the bloggin :)

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Aronil
– See, that's another thing. I'd expect somebody who KNOWS me to KNOW me BETTER than to criticize me for thinking aloud on my blog.

You said it – like watevahhhh!

Chee Hoe said...

Can't say it better myself. I blog for myself and not for anyone else. Who cares what other people think. This is my blog and if you don't like reading it? Go take a hike. That has always been my mentality.

Aronil, I would advice you watching the "whateva" cute kiddie video another 5 times. That should clear your mind up a bit :P

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Chee Hoe
– EXACTLY. Take a hike if you can't swallow what I'm puttin down. =p

k0k s3n w4i said...

about sher's case,

One must remember that he owns the rights to his own face. He's merely controlling what is rightfully his. There's the right to speak. And then there's respecting other people's wish for privacy too.

LDR is terribly hard to keep up.

I know at least seventeen girls that have a boyfriend here in campus in india, while their original ones are still clueless in M'sia.

The doubts and fears are very real k

Pam Song said...

ATTN: k0k s3n w4i
– Hmmm. I agree that he has the rights to his face. But my problem with this issue is that if you think that your girl will get upset seeing your pics with another girl online, then just refrain from taking those pics altogether! So difficult meh? Just cos he doesn't want those pics online doesn't make him any less guilty of taking them. And now, he's just thrown in DECEPTION into the equation. That's just as bad if not worse!

And I agree. LDR is tough. =( It sucks that people cheat, though. Those 17 girls don't deserve the guys who're waiting for them at home. They don't deserve their loyalty.

k0k s3n w4i said...

ur giving the 17 other clueless bfs the benefit of the doubt eh. for all u know, they are cheating too xD

I do notice that girls have a higher tendency to... have a little bit of action on the side.

Taking pictures with a gal fren is perfectly above board - it's not cheating at all. he still wanna have frens and take pics with them too. the thing is, he also want to avoid giving chances for his gf to vex over absolutely nothing. I find that he's totally blameless, really.

Pam Song said...

ATTN: k0k s3n w4i
– Hmmmm. True. But I like to believe that people can be better than we think they are.

And I beg to differ. I know a lot of guys who cheat on their girls. But I guess it's the definition of cheating that counts. I consider emotional attachment of any kind with the opposite sex cheating, too. Kisses, hugs, sex – EVERYTHING IS CHEATING.

I wrote quite a number of posts on cheating already. I hate it. It makes me sick. People who cheat deserve to die alone.

I think that if he really wants to be sensitive to his gf's feelings, he should behave the way he makes himself appear to behave in front of her. If he doesn't want her to think that there are other girls, don't take suggestive pics with other girls.

But then again, I know of plenty of psycho gfs who get jealous at everything lah. But you can't really blame them. LDR makes people do stupid things. They imagine crazy stuff, too. Distance takes its toll.

k0k s3n w4i said...

psycho gfs! Now we understand each other :p

My ex was definitely in that category. Hence, ex.

Pam Song said...

Haha. Don't we all get a little psycho when we're bitten by the love bug? =p

And so mean lah you! Say your ex is psycho. Haha. Mean!

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