Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Welcome To PJ

First day in a new place with the old team.

Good thing? I guess. There's that possibility, of course. But... it's really too soon to tell so I'll just settle with a good 'maybe'.

I hate the fact that it takes two hours to get to anywhere with anything worth eating, and that kinda results in me having lunch hourSSS – and that is NOT good for my upcoming appraisal. There's nowhere that's near, un-saman-able and affordable to park. The toilets here are worse than the ones found in China. (E.g. no toilet paper, wet floors, dirty bowls, non-automatic taps, pee-sprinkled seats, etc...)


This feels a lot like Kampung PJ
after being in Big City KL, man.


BUT it's our first day so I'll try
to suffocate Ms Critical within.

Give face only...


Haha. It's been awhile. Almost makes waking up at 5:45 in the morning worth it. Almost... but not quite.

Behold! Lion dance damages.

Some. There were more lah. But it seemed a bit sua-ku to take pics of orange peel on the floor in front of Big Man Boss with fake lions dancing all around me. I paiseh. *shy*

We even had deafening, kotor-all-over fireworks.

It was so cool. Sure felt like the good old Chinese New Year days for awhile there. Too bad the 'good stuff' firecrackers and fireworks got banned. Now all we have is pathetic Pop Pop. So potong.

Snitched this pic off some dude's
kitty-lovin' sorta-photo blog.

Anyways, I'm all unpacked.

Have been lah, actually. Since morning. I pack with great care so it makes unpacking that much easier. It's all about organization and systematic packing, my friends. All about organization and systematic packing. And no, if you're wondering, I'm not anal. Just meticulous and very particular. That does not in any way equate to being anal.

Oh, and I got free breakfast.


Save Money = Very Happy.

Too bad I had to pay for lunch.

Yes, I know. Give people a inch, they want a mile. But then... what's so bad about a mile? What's there not to want? Nothing. Have big dreams, my friend. Always go for the mile. Always ditch the inch and go for the mile. =p

*blink blink*

I think I better get to work.


Unknown said...

your office moved to PJ?

Pam Song said...

Yeps. Yesterday was our first day here.

Unknown said...

Which part of PJ lah Dearie? Maybe can meet you up for a cuppa once in a long while.

Pam Song said...

Oh, can! Can! I'm near Menara Axis.

Unknown said...

Menara Axis is opposite PJ Hilton if you cross the big road of Fed Highway, is it that one?

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Samantha
– Yeah! That's the one. But I'm not in Axis. I'm NEAR there. Haha.

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