1. 4 seasons. Sure, I'm only here for one season but hey, at least I saw the leaves brown and fall off toward the end of Autumn; before we moved into cold, cold Winter that proudly shows off naked branches like so:

But... Be fooled not by the bright sun and blue skies, folks. Although there isn't a snowflake in sight (yet? – a girl can wish), it's freezing down here! Highest temperature recorded all day today (sometime around noon) was just slightly over 15ÂșC! -_-' And at night, it really dips to freezing. Sigh. If only it snowed. Then at least I'd feel like it'd at least be worth my frozen toes.
2. Winter wear! I just looove getting all bundled up in winter attire – the jackets, the boots, the leather gloves... LOVE! IT! It's like playing dress-up except that it's real and not just for playtime! Hahaha. Now, all I need are flatty black booties and I'm good! =D
On a side note, I went to Target in the city and stumbled upon a nice black suede pair for just $40 AUD. And they fit me perfectly! What a steal! But I didn't get them. Cos, urm... they were just too cheap for a person of my standard. Ahem ahem. *proud* *blink blink* *shifty eyes* Ok fine, I'll tell you the truth. Sigh. I didn't end up getting them cos they were just a teensy weensy too big for me. But wait. Here's the punchline: They were tagged Girls, Age 3. -_-
3. Clean air. Every breath I take in here is a joy to be had cos it's so fresh. I could even feel the difference when I went to Melbourne cos it was definitely a lot less fresh there than it is right here in Western Australia! Imagine that! Gosh, I can't imagine what it'll be like when I get back to Malaysia, man. Sure cough and choke on all that contaminated air as soon as the cabin de-pressurises. Haha.
4. Gorgeous views. I think my pictures speak for themselves. And this set is still by far, my favourite since I touched down on Aussie soil. =) Oh, and the last two pictures in this post are a close second to that favourite.
5. Amazing public transportation around the city. The local bus is free, clean, free, dependable (they're hardly ever late; and even if they are, it's still no more than a few minutes later than promised), free, and the drivers all behave themselves on the road. No hooligan-slash-road-bully nonsense.
And did I already mention that it is FREE??? I just hop on and hop off as I please! In fact, I've taken the bus just to see the sights around the city (I call it self-touring) and I didn't have to fork out a cent to go around and around all day. Ahh, this is my kind of city. =D
Related Post:
- Top 5 Reasons It Sucks To Be In Australia [Friday, June 25, 2010]
that's where I wanna go! :)
ATTN: Jeffro
– You've got plans to come to Aus??
it's probably supposed to be 30, the 0 came off or they shop ran out of the correct tag
ATTN: RealGunners
– Hahaha. I wish. But... I was shopping in the kids section. =p
*sigh* wish we can have free and nice public transport here back PJ/KL . Envy* btw where the kangaroo?
ATTN: Spectre
- Haha. No kangaroos la. Gotta head to the petting zoo for that kinda stuff. Here, I have shopping and free transportation. =p And yes, I also wish we had free transportation in Msia. Too bad, our tax money goes... elsewhere. Bleh.
Yeah, for holidays... the last time I went there was when I was still a small kid, so I don't remember much of it. I heard from friends who has been there like a gazillion times, so I figured I should go there one day - as soon as I can sponsor myself a trip there :)
ATTN: Jeffro
– Wahhh. Nice. Haha. Where will be your first stop?
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