Thursday, September 05, 2019

Immunity Booster Shot #1

Same view, different day.

At the hospital again today for my first immunity booster shot post chemo. I don't know how it is in other hospitals or other countries, but here, they make us take immunity boosters 3 days in a row from Day 2 onwards after chemo. To keep you from catching other baddies that could complicate matters, I suppose.

That means...
Day 1: Chemotherapy (+ Herceptin, for me)
Day 2: Rest
Day 3: Immunity Booster shot
Day 4: Immunity Booster shot
Day 5: Immunity Booster shot

Spy shot cos the nurse said cannot take pics. Dunno why.
I should find out what this jab is called though.

Sakit sial. 😭

But I guess they already know today's when you really start feeling like crap lah that's why they shoot you up real good. 😪🤢🤮 Cos I only really started feeling the effects of chemo today. Nausea, indigestion, loss of appetite, extreme tiredness and lethargy... ugh. Lai liao semua... 


unknown said...

This immunity booster shot is so effective and this works well for immunity. I will try this. Another way for boosting immunity is herbal dietary supplements for immunity

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