Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Chemotherapy Dos & Don'ts

Wah, the most ridiculous thing just happened. It's chemo day again today and The Nurse Manager just sat down with me to take my medical history, give me a chemo briefing, and tell me the dos and don'ts during and after chemotherapy. 😳 Just before my second round of chemo. Like, WTH!? 🤯 3 weeks too late lor...

Shouldn't this have been done PRIOR to me getting my IVs done?? How is this considered safe patient care? And when I asked, she replied: "Haha. Kadang kadang banyak patient first time so tak de masa lah." 😲 Urm... then at least give us a printout we can read la. This is just dangerously negligent.

SO... for the sake of anyone who's going to undergo chemotherapy, here's a list of Dos & Don'ts you should know BEFORE you start treatment. 🙄


1. When it comes to food, no need to pantang. The chemo handles everything and kills all the baddies anyway so just eat whatever you can. Just make sure you eat!

2. Steer clear of raw food. This includes salads and green juices, which people generally assume to be good and healthy for you. They could make you really sick! Raw fruits are the only exception.

3. Don't consume any Chinese herbal food or drinks. They somehow interact with the chemotherapy drugs. I was given this example: A man drank a lot of leng teh (Hokkien for "cooling herbal tea") because he felt heaty after chemotherapy. Problem is, it caused the drugs to not leave his system. By his next chemo, he OD-ed on the chemo because he still had some toxins leftover from his previous round. 😱 Dangerous sial.

4. Make sure you drink a lot, a lot, a lot of fluids – 2L to 2.5L daily. This includes soups and any other liquids you can consume. You'll need it to flush out the toxins.

5. Don't hold your pee. Your bladder is going to be holding on to a lot of toxic chemicals if you do so. So cut it some slack, give it a break and go pee whenever you feel like you have pee. Please ah... mai kek jiou!

6. Constipation is a common problem after chemo so if you find that you can't poop, get help. Ask the  hospital to prescribe you some poopy pills to kick off some pass-motion action down-under. Don't keep it in! 💩

7. You'll be tired but make sure you still shower and keep yourself clean. A dirty body leads to other problems and complications. Duh!

8. You need to be super careful during the next 24 hours after chemo. Everything that exits your body contains toxins – pee, poop, saliva, etc. So use a separate toilet if you can.

9. Physically, you'll feel your worst during the first week post-chemo. Take your nausea / vomiting / indigestion meds and don't miss your immunity booster shots. Because once that super bad week is up, a new problem arises...

10. Your immunity drops between days 7-14. So be super vigilant about cleanliness and your health during that second week. Don't hero it out.

11. You'll feel your best during your 3rd week so, do whatever you need to do then... before it all goes back to square one again. 😩

Now, tell me... shouldn't I have known
all this BEFORE my first session? 🤔

The only thing bright side to that conversation was when she asked, "Eh? You second time today, kan? Tak jatuh rambut ka?" Haha. When I told her I started dropping hair just a few days back, she said, "Wah. Strong ah, your hair!" 💪💪💪

Dunno will last how long la but... 
I'll take whatever compliment I can get 
and keep whatever hair I can keep! 😆


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