Sunday, September 22, 2019

Fake It Till You Make It

Applies to all things fashion/food/lifestyle-related... well as to chemo hair loss. 🤣

All you need is some basic hairstyling skills,
a good comb, and a sparkly hairband. LOL.


Hello hello! Turns out last Sunday's syok sendiri dress up party wasn't my last weekend to do up my hair cos, hey, it's Sunday again and I still have hair to mess around with! Wheee!!! *cartwheels all around* 🤸‍♀️ Grab all the hairbands, hair clips and scrunchies and let's have a partaayyyyy!! 💃🕺

Bet you can't really tell I've lost hair if I didn't say upfront that I did. But I'm super grateful that my hair has held on for so long. Am really not looking forward to the bother of scarfing and wigging through my days, and was secretly praying that my hair wouldn't drop though I actually glass-half-empty expected to be a botak head by Week 2 post chemo. (O Faith, wherefore art thou? 😅 #smallasamustardseed)

Thing is, earlier when I spilled the beans and told The Husband about my secret prayer, he went, "Eh please la. Don't pray something impossible la. You know it's going to happen wat." But, but, but... why not?? My God is a God who can do a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g. And with Him, n-o-t-h-i-n-g is impossible! Aaaanddd... even if God eventually tells me, "No," and I end up losing my hair, it doesn't hurt to ASK. 🙋‍♀️ (Matthew 7:7; Philippians 4:6-7)

Well, here we are, 2 days shy of my next chemo session – with my hair still intact 🎉 – so... don't you agree that God is good and he answers even the most impossible of prayers?? Even prayers from superficial women who want to keep their hair for cosmetic, beauty and convenience purposes?? 😅😂 #truth

🎶 "My God is so big, so strong and so mighty
there's nothing my God cannot do... for you!" 🎶

...and for me!

I have hair!


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