Thursday, September 12, 2019

Bedtime "What Ifs"

Tonight is going to be my first night back in the room with The Husband and the kiddos. 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 I'm beyond excited, to say the least. But deep inside, I'm also apprehensive. My body may be taking the blow from the treatment... but it's my tender Mummy heart that is fragile.

What if the kids' sleeping preferences have changed since the last time I slept with them? What if they actually prefer sleeping with Ah Ma and Ah Kong instead of with me? What if, in his sleepy stupor, JJ calls out, "Ah Ma...??" I mean, you know how I feel about being called otherwise, whether knowingly or unknowingly, right?? So many "what ifs"!! 😥

Bedtime now. Wish me luck!


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