Saturday, September 14, 2019

My Care-Pack Has Arrived!

After waiting for what feels like forever, my care-pack from EJ finally arrived. Friend sent via DHL thorough MailBox to KRPG so it took a little longer than usual because have to pass through many, many hands to get to me. Haha. 

EJ > MailBox > DHL > KRPG > Mee & Dee > Me. 😅 

But this is the safest route la since I may not be home all the time and I wouldn't want to risk it being sent back to Sender. (Talk like very happening but actually very un-happening in Penang cos no kaki. 😂) Anyhoo...

Wheeee!!! ðŸ“Ķ

ðŸĪĐ Can you tell I'm excited?? ðŸĪŠ

Hahaha. So, so very lor. Couldn't wait to rip it open in the car but also didn't want to ruin the box so I practiced an i-m-p-o-s-s-i-b-l-e amount of self control in order to take the next few pictures. So, tadaaaa!!


OMG, this woman! If I wasn't this crazy excited, my heart would have stopped beating already. When she told me she had sent me some stuff, I was expecting some arts and crafts stuff from DAISO, or perhaps something ridiculously funny and random from TYPO, or just something heart-warming within a reasonable budget lah, but noooOOoOooOooo... friend did her shopping on NEXT UK! ðŸ˜ąðŸ˜ąðŸ˜ą 

My lot of lovely loot!

A very appropriate pin!

Yup, in life, all we need is
Faith, Hope, Love

...and a damn good friend.  ðŸ‘Ŋ‍♀️

House ballerina slippers! And in my size, too!

How does one remember another person's shoe size!?
I can't even remember JZ's and JJ's! 😅 #badmom

A pretty, knit poncho that's snug as a nice, warm hug.
(More on this poncho in a separate post later.)

A beautifully framed message
for such a time as this:

"Pray about everything, tell God what you want
and thank Him for all He's done."

I thank God for friends like EJ.

What I ever did in life to deserve
to be surrounded by people her,
I'll never know. =')❤️


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