Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Hanging In There

I was never one of those girls with luscious, thick hair. I've always sported thin ponytails, which require 3-4 turns on the rubber band in order to keep it in place. Heck, even during my wedding, my hairstylist had to stuff one side of my hair with tissue and douse it with volumising powder in order to puff it up nice and good. 🤣 #confessiontime #thetruthisout Yup, all my life I wished I had more hair. More so now than ever. 

Chemotherapy hair-loss is no joke. After seeing the amount of hair I lose daily, it really is no surprise that patients get warned about it beforehand, more so than they get warned about all the other side-effects. Because seriously, there's no way a normal person would be unaffected by the sheer amount of hair that comes off. It's actually pretty scary. Me, I guess I'm just grateful that I made it to my second chemo without going bald and that the majority of my hair is still hanging in there. Quite literally.  😅😂

Me at the dining table, trying to down a bowl of soup,
with whatever hair I have left. Picture courtesy of The Husband.


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