Wednesday, June 08, 2011

A Love For Loopholes

RSS Subscribers!!! My 115 loyalists!! I finally figured out how I can still give you the convenience of reading Tinki Talks that you've always enjoyed without having to make you go out of you way to email me at for an invitation, or having to actually stop by my blog to read!!!

How? Well, here's what I'll do:
 I'll trickle release my post feeds! =D

I initially thought of doing it every once a month but I figured nobody would want to have 80 posts dumped on them, all at one go. @_@ That'd be a little overwhelming. :-/ So... I decided that it would be better if I released my blog feeds once every week at least. 20 posts is still a lot to take but at least it isn't that impossibly much to catch up on, right?

So... whaddaya think? Good idea? =D
(You can email me to tell me what you think
if you don't yet have your e-invite.)

p/s: See?? Feeding has its privileges! =p So feed away and feel free to tell your friends about this little way out. (Or way in. =p)

p/s/s: Don't get me wrong though. You can still write me for an invitation. You're always welcomed. I'm just saying you don't have to if you don't want to. Although just bear in mind that you won't be able to leave comments or view anything inside the actual blog if you don't. :-/ But anyways, you decide. =)


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