Monday, June 13, 2011

Kuala Lumpur "Bridal Shower" Day Trip, June '11: Getting There

So you've heard about my terrible flight down to KL from Penang for my Bridal Shower, right? Well, here are some of the sneaky pictures I managed to capture onboard. Just to share the experience and all that, ya know? =)

 Me reacting to the unbearable smell.

 Still struggling.

Managed to sneak a blurry pic of that
smelly fat man's hairy hand with my camera lens.

Seconds after take-off.


Nice scenery from way up there. But still...

 Holding my breath throughout the flight and limiting
my Oxygen intake to reduce inhalation of bad body odour.


Clark said...

it's the same dilemma i have now. we have a colleague that is a real stinker. really nice guy, but nasty BO. don't know how to tell him to take a bath everyday and apply deodorant w/o offending him... any suggestions?
(holding my breath until you reply x_x )

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Clark
– Haha. My mom's had to tell her staff before and... some of them take the news better than others. :-/ I don't think it's about the bathing and all though. It's usually bacteria. So all he needs is a "crystal". I dunno what the brand is now but it used to be called "Smelly No More" (what a brand!!) and it works like a charm. It's just salt crystals from caves shaped in a deodorant and the minerals in the crystal work to kill bacteria. Much like how prehistoric animals found in caves tend to be better preserved. Cos the salts kill the bacteria that cause the carcasses to rot and deteriorate. Give it to him as a Christmas present maybe? Hahahaha.

Jin said...


Pam Song said...

– I almost died and you're laughing?! Too much liao laaa...

Clark said...

@Pam -- hmm.. christmas is too far back. we would be dead by then.. hahahaha...
thanks for the idea, i'll look at the calendar for a nearby Holiday to give the gift.. if not, i'll make up one... like "No BO DAY!"

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Clark
– Hahahaha. You guys need an intervention. Have someone walk in and exclaim, "WAH!!! WHY SO SMELLY WAN???" Then you swoop in with the crystal. =p

may said...

Haha! Haha! Pam song you are really cute! I can't stop laughing in my lab. Haha! Haha!

Pam Song said...

ATTN: may
– Haha. It's funny to read but not funny at all when you're suffocating! Hahaha.

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