Pop the champagne, people... cos we've gots cake! And not just any cake. I'm talking 'bout THE CAKE! *crazy eyes* Yes, my friends, you heard me right the first time! The wedding cake plan is officially back in action! Wheeee!!! =D
*cartwheels all around*
Awesome! Do we get to eat it? :P
ATTN: Lissa
- Haha, nope! Think you guys will get another kind. :-/
Bummer. =/
ATTN: Lissa
– Hahaha. Well, you'll get to see it. And take pictures of it. And urm... smell it? Hahahaha.
What flavour is it? >.>
ATTN: Lissa
– I dunno, actually. I dun think it's fully edible. Just parts of it we can cut and eat. I think. @_@
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