I'm betting it doesn't take a genius
to know what I'm talking about.
Ooo... irregular heartbeats, shortness of breath and all that. *gasp* Goosebumps galore! I've got tiny tingles running up and down my spine. Haha. I'm bizarrely over-excited over this little aesthetic change, really. So much so that I feel slightly whacked and freakishly abnormal. But feeling this way's actually pretty normal when faced with change, right? Hmmm.
*blinks thoughts away*
ANYHEW, after almost 5 whole months of...
...and less than 24 hours of
this, this and this, the wait it finally over!
Uh, for you guys, of course. Haha.


...and less than 24 hours of
this, this and this, the wait it finally over!
Uh, for you guys, of course. Haha.
Well, this project was quite a fun one for me. Was getting tired of the boring text that came with my Blogspot template. So very Plain Jane lah. See also sien. You know, perhaps I should try to set aside some time to revamp my page (or at least the Tinki Talks header) every once in awhile.
Ugh, I'm obviously under-utilizing the vast expanse of blogsphere wealth that's at my expense on the Internet. Maybe I should just do it the lazy man's way and head over to BlogSkins.com to snitch one from their library.
Stop pointing your filthy mouse-clicking fingers at me cos I probably won't be doing that anytime soon if not ever. You see, I'm pretty anal about things so I'd probably nitpick every single almost-perfect-but-not-quite skin I set my eyes on. Eventually, the whole skin-hunt would end up becoming a total waste of time and effort, so I might as well just forget about pursuing that path in my attempt to own a less snore-generating, boring-looking blog.
Whatever the case, I may work on more headers in days to come. Uh, sorry. Months to come, more likely. My timetable is such that time is pathetically scarce for me. Oh well, at least I got my first one up and loading. Bravo, me.
*blink blink*
Ugh, I'm obviously under-utilizing the vast expanse of blogsphere wealth that's at my expense on the Internet. Maybe I should just do it the lazy man's way and head over to BlogSkins.com to snitch one from their library.
Yeah, shame on you skin-robbers.
Stop pointing your filthy mouse-clicking fingers at me cos I probably won't be doing that anytime soon if not ever. You see, I'm pretty anal about things so I'd probably nitpick every single almost-perfect-but-not-quite skin I set my eyes on. Eventually, the whole skin-hunt would end up becoming a total waste of time and effort, so I might as well just forget about pursuing that path in my attempt to own a less snore-generating, boring-looking blog.
Whatever the case, I may work on more headers in days to come. Uh, sorry. Months to come, more likely. My timetable is such that time is pathetically scarce for me. Oh well, at least I got my first one up and loading. Bravo, me.

I am the FIRST one with the new banner on!
I am the No.1 fans!
Perhaps whatever NuffNang pay you, you should give me half.
Yes, half is good.
sharing is caring ma....
cool header .. sweet
ok ok.. veli nicee...
ATTN: ming
– Haha. WELCOME, MY No.1 FAN! I hope you liked the change.
But first? How you know you're first? Haha. Even with my visitor counter and information, I still dunno you're first. Haha.
First to comment? =p
*chooses to ignore and buat tak tau with the Nuffnang comment*
ATTN: zecount
– Thanks, man! Haha. And idiot, you asked Grace to take pic of my hair.
ATTN: jacob. y
– I caught you replying comments at work!!! HAH! Pretending to work hard leh. =p
Thank you, thank you.
hahahaha even if i dun ask .. she would do it as well hahahahaha
anyways .. how u and grace "getting along"? terrorized any poor soul on the road and off??? :p
Haha. We're kind, okay. And civillized. We don't do such nonsense. At least not in public. *snicker*
It's her birthday today, actually.
pam jie jie...nice header :) pls 'prison break' fr ur work and be a part in MINT cluster!!!
i just stared at your new banner for a good 30 seconds. hahaha. nice design :D
ada mata saya lah ..got pay "hehehe" must remember me ya ...
ATTN: Esther aka shi
– Haha. Don't worry. I'll be there to fight for MINT. You guys prepare. I'll jump in and help you all scream the house down. Haha.
ATTN: satkuru
– Awww. Such a nice compliment. Thank you, Sat!
– Haha.
"Once given considered free."
Wow! Amazing artwork! It really stands out and eye catching...thumbs up to you!
And you are really nasty....I saw your "kidnap a child" on your to-do list....hahahaha =)))) *laughing non stop*
Haha. Thanks, man! I had fun preparing it.
Whoopsie. Haha. You caught that huh. I put it there for aesthetics. Was wondering if anyone would ever notice it. HAHA. =p
oh..i forgot to say whether the banner is nice or not...
Nice!!! share the same color with Banana! hahahaha
Haha. Idiot. So mine actually need to add a bit of white la issit? Since I dun have whole banana already. =p
oh ya..i forgot that nowadays you are not that banana already...
Haaa. See? Bu yao luan luan qiang.
Huiyoor~ Mandarin coming from pam~!
Eh! People (me) so supportive for ur new banner kena belasah somemore! Hrmph! Ur banner not nice!
Haha. Of course la. One year in CHC ma. Of course have to know mandarin lah. =p
WEI! Liddat la now? God say turn the other cheek, not fight evil with evil!!!
But you know what.....a second look at this time...i found out something else.....with the pen knife on top of the yellow post it note bearing "kidnap a child"....looks like you wanna 'murder' that child ler....hahahaha =P...eeyer...
Haha. Dun read too much into it all. There are OTHER meanings wan. Other less violent meanings. Haha. You ah. Make me sound so teruk.
No la...No la...the blade is still kept tightly inside the pen knife....and neither blood is dripping at the edge of the knife....So dun worry.....the kid is stil safe at the moment...=P
but Im thinking symbolically you could 'murder' the kid with ya love....hahaha....=PPP
And huh! hidden meaning? I saw the 'dark queen' sentence has been crossed....are u transforming into the light queen now? hahaha =))))
And what do the milkshakes or should I say MILO...represent? and the 3 eyes that grow progressively....saw something? Sounds like another interesting mystery games for all of us....hahaha =P
haha! u r on man! Put u for beauty pagent ar hahahaaaaaaaaa!!!!!
ATTN: adrian
– Haha. Ya la. Simply accuse me of being baby killer pula. Tsk tsk. Shame on you.
I'll SMOTHER him with my love. Not murder. Haha. But I guess too much of a good thing also not good huh. Haha.
No la. I trying to suppress the Dark Queen mah. Dun wan her to come out so often ma. So ma cross her out lor. You dunno who's the opposite of Dark Queen meh??? Goodness! Do you even know why we call her the Dark Queen?
Those are Teh Ais from this fantastic coffee shop near where I live. I love it! YUMS!
The three eyes means... (1) I see you, (2) Do you see what I mean when I say the things I do on my blog, and (3) I'm looking out for kids to kidnap. HAHA.
Try figuring out the movie board thingy.
ATTN: esther aka shi
– WAH! Suddenly kena drag in for beauty pageant?! Nanti nanti fall down on stage then die. Haha. Paiseh only.
I say I cheer for you all ma. I never say I go stage then YOU ALL cheer for ME. Haha.
Got beauty pageant meh? None lah.
latest info there is beauty pageant!!! u r my no.1 candidate!
Haha. Die lah die. This time guarantee die.
Hahaha..kidnap a husband for yourself first...then force him to marry you...then automatically you mah get kidslor.....good strategyler?.... =) *grins* Muahahahahaha!
Wah! Good call esther aka shi~ shi~! We can watch pam song cat walk AGAIN! HAHAHA~ ;P
beauty pageant ?sure boh ?first like dont want .. mana tahu say this --> "Got beauty pageant meh? None lah. "
ATTN: adrian said...
– Cheh. You think so easy ah? Anytime say marry means marry, anytime say wanna have kids means wanna have kids. Not so simple leh fren. If so easy why you not married and carrying baby? See? Easier said than done leh.
ATTN: Jacob. Y
– Chei! You dun talk so much! Dun put ideas in her head. Later I yang susah. Anyway, you in MINT cluter meh? Not in MINT then dun talk a lot a lot. Haha. Now we all got gang already. Haha. Inter-gang communication regarding cluster issues can be used against you in the Court of Emerge Law. =p
And come on lah. Dun la say "again" until so big. Paiseh lahhhh. Haiyo! Later get you to sing Uptown Girl again only you know.
– Uncle, you far far far farrrr away, no need to talk about apa macam beauty pageant. Totally no say. You won't even be here to watch. Don't worry kay. We'll send you pictures. =p
OOoooo...getting married and carry babies? Always my mission....
Haha....Need to wait for my missing rib to come back to me first la....."Oh my rib, Come back and joins with the master!" Hahaha =P
Haha. How's the hunt coming along? Good? Any prospective mates lurking around the corner? Or are YOU the one doing the lurking? Haha.
Aiseh....hunting pulak tu....Of coursela the master lurk for the lost sheep...where got lost sheep look for master one?...sheep is sometimes so "gong-gong" one...hahaha =)
Huh? So you saying the girl you're looking for is 'gong gong' wan?! Kasihan only la your future gf. My heart goes out to her.
Whoosah.....She 'Gong-Gong' and I "Gau -Gau" and she looks at me like Hero la.......You girls look for Gau-Gau eh bf what.....Gong-Gong wan you girls dunwan....
So I (+ve terminal ) and she (-ve terminal) = Electricity flows ok! ..........Hahahaha!
EEYEERRRRRR! I'm going to warn all women I know about men like you, man! So terrible wan! Go ahead lah. Find a stupid woman. May she pass on her genes to all your children. HAH!
Never think, simply talk. Tsk tsk. Shame on you. Later your future wife pops by and read your comments you sure die.
So demeaning!
Ish....always intepret the -ve side...If a woman finds a smart man for herself, then who is smarter? The Woman la!
Hahaha =)
Chei! That's a cover-up! Anybody can see that. I think that brain is something that any partner cannot live without. Without brains at par, one party will always look down on the other and one party will not be substantially stimulated mentally. Difficult lah.
Hehe...Its not for peoples to see la...Its for her to feel...If I love her....Simply means I love her despite of her shortcomings even if she realy really "Gong-Gong"....its not for the brains to analyze but to be felt by the hearts....especially hers....the chemistry that no science could explains....
And you so teruk...curse my generation....I will make sure my breeds are the breeds that honor GOD! They are curse-free in the precious name of JESUS!
You so dont know me la kawan...
Oh, I agree. I don't know you at all! I haven't had a single decent conversation with you. It's no wonder, right? No surprise there. =)
Moving on...
But you're still saying you want a dumb girl! I sure will look at your bride differently already. Dang. In spite of what you feel and your acceptance of her, it doesn't change the fact that she's dumb.
You know, actually, it's YOU I pity. It ain't fun being with someone with half a brain.
Haha. Never curse your generation. Just showing you the results of wanting a gong gong girl. =p
Haiya..U are still very idealistic....pro-pro say LOVE but this one cannot accept...hahaha =P
Nobody is always smart all the time wanla...and nobody is so called 'dumb' all the time one....Smart peoples can sometimes do stupid things and Stupid peoples can sometimes do smart decisions....Get it? hahaha..=P
And my bride is NEVER dumb. NEVER!.You just wait and see!....just that I will accept the way she is if sometimes she does 'dumb' things....thats why I say that she is 'Gong-Gong'.....hahaha =)
Yeah, I am idealistic. I know I am. I did this test and I'm actuallly an 'Idealist' type person. I considered blogging the results. I still may. Depending lah. Haha. If I have the time.
And it's not about whether ppl are smart all the time or not. It's about claiming that you want a gong gong partner. Ask and it shall be given. Nanti nanti, you claim summore, you get only you know.
It is good to be idealistic & set high (but reasonable) expectations in anything that we do...however when comes to the evaluation part, the results must be realistic and grounded on solid basis.....I feel that life will be meaningful in that sense. Life is always a learning curve... =)
I am not a perfect human being and so to speak I do not expect my partner to be perfect either. But of course certain basic expectations (especially Godly woman) needed to be fulfilled before I can call her a partner.
See? That simple. Hahaha =)
Oh of course of course. But don't you think that you're already expecting the worse? And even claiming it? Like starting on a low note, no?
And sure, you're not perfect, and neither am I. But it ain't cool to say your future lady is a lost sheep who's 'gong gong'. Haha. The mental picture is hilarious but devastating as well. Heh.
Thats plan B la, if thing doesnt works out ideally....and even if that happens, I have a plan for it... I dont have to change her but I will influence her to change...See? Thats where leadership is applicable in a relationship....Hahaha =P
If I change her abruptly....guess what?....immediately she changes the BF...Hahaha =P
Devastating? haha....then I will be in big trouble...risking myself sleeping outside the room and begging to be let in....that one is joking only la...I know its lame but life is easier with that...hahaha =)
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