Tuesday, July 31, 2007

"The Single Most Important Manual For A Guy"

To read the said manual, click here.


Haha. Okay okay, I'm sorry. I can just imagine my reaction if it were me clicking on that just like I told you to. Haha. So thick skin, right? But come on, cut me some slack while I let my inner child have some good old fashioned fun. I really couldn't resist doing it.


Honestly speaking. I'm not being unbelievably prideful or insanely pompous. I just (sorta intentionally) left out the words, "I quote." Left that out but I never bluff, okay! Haha. You see, I was reorganising the many OTJ posts in my blog when I spied a comment dated 17 June 2007 that I totally missed before!

It's some stranger who pretty much left a mini OTJ: Part 10.1 in my comments. So semangat. Haha. And actually hor, to me, it's a great honour when your post gets called The Single Most Important Manual For A Guy by a guy! At least it's a pretty big deal to me lah.

I wonder if he's a regular or just a lost-ie. But honestly speaking, he's not bad though. He writes a pretty mean Operasi Train Jantan cum Betina. Haha. (Yes, I laugh now... but it's just for show. If the dude ever writes an OTB, I'll hunt him down, sue him for copyright infringement and pound him to mush.)


Operasi Train Jantan© & Operasi Train Betina©
are the copyright of Tinki and Tinki Talks.


supersara said...

HELLO! ocpyright of supersara and candies in the letterbox too!

Pam Song said...

Haha. Technically, it's more like Esther's (think she mentioned it first... BUT WITH CLEAR REFERENCE TO ME *ahem ahem*) but she never semangat so we took over. HAHA. Think she'll see this comment?

supersara said...

hell no.

Pam Song said...

You mean the woman doesn't read my blog??? Too much. I'm offended.

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