Thursday, April 03, 2008

Gotta Let It Out Somehow

I'm angry. I'm frustrated. And I'm ripping myself to shreds inside. I've got a hell of a lot of questions running through my mind. Questions that cloud the thoughts my head. But no answers to take them away. I'm tired. I'm sick of wanting to sleep and not being able to. But there's still so much to do. I want to talk about it. I want to rant and let it out. But I can't.

Cos there's nobody.

There's nobody who understands and listens without judgment. Nobody who hears what I say and just leaves it at that. Nobody who listens and just... well, listens. I don't want solutions. I don't need words of advice. What I want is comfort. And what I need right now, is support. But, whatever. That's not what 'this time' is about. Cos right now, the bottom line is this:

There's nobody.


.:JoY:. said...

I don't know what your story is but hell, I feel like that too.

In my own way lah. :) It's frustrating.

Anonymous said...

Hmm.. call a friend up and rants and raves and rambles and shout about your frustrations?

Look at the bright side, we are here reading your rants. :)

Anonymous said...

Yo chill out...chill out! Get a cup of tea to calm somebody and rant all you want....

Perhaps a short prayer for peace will help kua...=)

luxen said...

find a tree with a hole in it, then whisper all your secrets and problems into it. Then cover up the hole.

ming said...

lol i m not helping =p

Pam Song said...

ATTN: .:JoY:.
– Haha. Hi, Joy. And yeah, it's frustrating as hell. Just had to get it out of my system before I burst. =p

ATTN: Adrian
– Haha. Difficult lah. Everybody who's real close to me emotionally aren't as close to me physically. Very unfortunate.

And yeah, it IS actually pretty cool that no matter what, I know that there are people who care enough to know about my day or about what I've seen. Guess I'm not that alone after all, huh? Haha. You guys rock lah. =)

ATTN: Adrian Lim
– Haha. That time not really focusing on God. =p The human side of me took over. Inside tengah mang chang. =p

Pam Song said...

ATTN: luxen
– Hmmm. Do I have to dig that hole first? Cos that's gonna take a lot of time. Why don't I just blast it to smithereens? It'd be a lot more satisfying. =p

Now to find my bazooka.

ATTN: ming
– YA LA!

sheon said...
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sheon said...

i have a spare want one?

i like channeling my frustration and anger through sports......i run faster, i hit harder, and i am more competitive.

most of my emotional buddies are in KL anyway. so, you just need to improvise on your situation lor.. :) ok pam? dun worry, us readers are always here to 'listen'. right guys??

Anonymous said...

hey hey ...there's always msn :)

luxen said...

hrmm, now I see the wisdom in what the advise of the monks. It was an advice given to Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider by some Cambodian monks if I'm not mistaken.

By the time you took your anger out on the tree, that would probably have elevated most of your loneliness.

luxen said...

In the new Celcom TV advertisement, Hannah Tan breaks up with her bf and SMS her friend to meet up.

Then suddenly all these guys turns up with gifts to cheer her. Hrmm, how nice if life is like that.

Anonymous said...

love ya.

yapthomas said...

"There's nobody who understands and listens without judgment. Nobody who hears what I say and just leaves it at that. Nobody who listens and just... well, listens."

Totally understand this line...
I feel for you...

Pam Song said...

ATTN: sheon
– Haha. I need to know how to handle a bazooka first. Don't wanna blow off any fingers. =p

I don't like sports. They're something I USED to do. Not anymore. Haha. My highschool days are over. Haha.

Thanks for 'listening' everyday. Haha. How odd that blogging is such a powerful tool to bring ppl together.

ATTN: zecount
– Invoke happy god!!!

ATTN: luxen
– Hmmm. I agree with that statement somewhat. Cos it's not about hurting the tree or achieving anything out of it. It's just about letting it out. Letting it go.

I haven't watched that Celcom ad you spoke about. And no, life's never like that. Haha.

ATTN: trace
– French fries... UNITE!

ATTN: yapthomas
– Not every listener is ready to listen without talking. =)

sheon said...

your fingers will be risk having your eyeballs incinerated tho..... hehehehe

Pam Song said...

ATTN: sheon
– Haha. Will black sunnies do? =p

sheon said...

hmmmm.......maybe. :) hahahaa...this is getting a little silly already... hahahahahah

NEXT !!!!

Pam Song said...

ATTN: sheon
– Haha. Set. NEXT!!

Unknown said...

Hey when I feel like that, I get hold of an almost-complete stranger and tell them all about it.

Of course, you'll have to spend half the time explaining the minor details for them to get the whole picture...but it works for judgment for sure.

Then u pop a bottle of cheap wine, and it's sleep all the way till 3pm the next day =))

Anonymous said...

ooi ooi lesen dah gantung liao la

Pam Song said...

ATTN: pauline
– I think I like the thought of sharing to an almost-complete stranger. It's less complicated in some ways, no? And not all of them are really interested in the minor details. Strangers want juice, don't they? I mean, that's why they're there hearing you out in the first place. Drama sells. =p

And I'm not a drinker so that last tip I tak boleh guna!! Maybe Jolly Shandy will do the trick. HAHA.

ATTN: zecount
– Renew laaaaa.

C said...

i understand how you're feeling. if you need a hug, heres one! mine's super warm and i'll let you lean a lil bit longer :)

Pam Song said...

– Haha. Over so long already lot this issue. And The BF stepped in and did his part already so thanks, but no thanks.

Cheers! =)

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