Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Just 2 Days Into The Week

And already 2 days staying late at work.

*grumble grumble grumble*

This is so not the life I signed up for.

*shifty eyes*

Ok, fine. I lied. I knew exactly what being in advertising in KL would entail when I joined the company 2 years, 6 months and 20 days ago. Long hours are a given. What I didn't plan on was getting old so soon or tired and weary of it all so quickly. I can't do the late-night thingamajig anymore. My body refuses to. My mind can't take it.

I go to bed after a long day with Head refusing to stop its pointless intra-chatter about everything and nothing all at once. Body begs her to let up. To let go of all that the day has inflicted and abused her with. But does she listen? Full-time rebel and part-time masochist that she is, no.

I wake up after 4 hours feeling like I never slept at all. When before, 2 hours were more than enough. But those days are gone now. Today, 8 hours of shut-eye is still a luxury, but 5 hours has grown from 2 to become a necessity. Having sufficient sleep for basic human function isn't ideal for me anymore. I want what's GOOD for me, too.

You know, I don't know what I'm going on about anymore. My head's messed up so I'm just finding the most convenient scapegoat to kill. It just so happens to be my job today. Ugh. Probably cos that's the only approachable topic that isn't too personal for me to go into detail attacking here on Tinki Talks. Sigh.


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