Monday, August 17, 2009

Project 365 Update

Okay, so here's the deal: I lost my comp, right? That also means that all my pictures from before are gone, bye-bye, sayonara, ciao. I've dealt with the loss, you should, too. So, let's all forget about those Project 365 days I owe you and move on.

*flashes killer I-can-get-away-with-anything smile*

So what I have to propose is this: We begin afresh from today. The difference is... I shall no longer take pictures of myself with the G1, the Omnia or the W810i. That means no real picture from real cameras. This time around, Project 365 will purely be the product of my MacBook Pro's Photobooth.

It's a simple matter of convenience for me actually, cos I've just recently discovered how easy it really is to snap, edit and publish without even having to transfer any photos anywhere. And greater convenience simply results in a higher chance of those Project 365 pictures seeing the light of day. (I'm lazy a genius!)

So, there ya have it.
The new Project 365 plan – REVEALED!

p/s: The first of the new wave of Photobooth Project 365 pictures will be published a little later tonight. Probably in an hour or two. I've already snapped it but I'd like to clean up and get comfy before I publish anything else so... check back later if you're still up and about. If not, there's always tomorrow. =)


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