Sunday, February 13, 2011

FOTH Reunited In Penang!

Over McDonald's Breakfast Meals (tea for me, coffee for her), roti jala with curry chicken, mandarin oranges, and fresh sausage rolls and scones – all, during the peak of the Chinese New Year heat that met us on Day 3. (Not that it's been all that hot this year.) (Thank goodness for that, by the way.)

Yes, as you can see, there was
a LOT of food involved. Haha. 

Please excuse the super duper bad hair day I was having.

It's been slightly over 3 years since we've had time to really hang out, catch up and invest into each others' lives. And 3 years is a long time for a friendship to be put on hold. Things change. I've left my old job, relocated back up to Penang and got engaged. She's gotten engaged, married and moved offices in a major way. People can change, too. But thankfully, the beauty of some friendships is that they just fall right back into easy conversation effortlessly. Like ours. =)


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