Wednesday, October 13, 2010

When It Rains, It Pours

Old uncle in a cute yellow raincoat on a traditional bicycle. =)

Been meaning to publish this picture
I took 2 whole weeks ago but never
actually got around to doing it.

It's been a little over a month since I started work and I must admit that things have begun to get pretty crazy around here. (Considering e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g I've been up to, of course. *rolls eyes at self*) So much so that I find blogging time getting increasingly scarce as the days roll on. Doesn't help that Old Age's been bugging me into bed each night before 1AM, too. (Truth. Can't seem to function normally past that hour anymore. Zombie Mode kicks in automatically. -_-''') So that kinda eats into a lot of what was once Me Time slash Blog Hour. Sigh.

Oh, plus The Fiancé was back in town
for 10 days, so... yeah. No time, no time. =p

ANYWAY... I just thought that the uncle cycling through flood waters in his bicycle looked cute in his yellow raincoat. You see one more time, ok?

Eee... kiuts lah!

All he needs now
are Phua Chu Kang boots. =p


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