Weight: 45kg (Underweight), % Body Fat: 24.5% (Medium),
% Body Water: 55% (High, Well Hydrated), Muscle Mass: 32 (Normal),
Physique Rating: 4 (Under Exercised), Basal Metabolic Rate: 1026 (High),
Metabolic Age: 17 (Low), Bone Mass: 1.8 (Low), Visceral Fat: 1 (Excellent)
My Ideal Weight: 50kg
My Current Weight: 45kg
...I am underweight.
The Ideal Body Fat %: Normal-sized Person
My Current Body Fat %: Medium-sized Person
...I am fatter than I should be.
The Ideal Visceral Fat: 1 (Excellent Rating – zero fat between organs)
My Current Visceral Fat: 1 (Excellent Rating – zero fat between organs)
...I am super healthy.
Therefore, I am underweight,
fat and super healthy. -_-
must makan lebihhh! Come, join me for makan trip:)
ATTN: Melhung
– Eh, they say I'm fat!!! You summore want me to makan more. Hahaha.
but u are still underweight ?? so how??
ATTN: zecount
– Haha. That's why! I also dunno what to do to help the situation liao. Hahaha.
tot u're underweight? must input more mar :p
ATTN: Melhung
– Well, I'm underweight but fat. Hahahaha. So how? Ok lah. Dun care lah. We go eat. Where? When? =p
Ohh great! mana-mana pun boleyy...asalkan u can gain weight! Hahhahaa...
ATTN: Melhung
– Hahahaha. You got my number ah? Or you can email me your number also.
Orite! i just sent u my luckie number! :p
Where did you get that done? o.O
ATTN: Melhung
– Got it! Thanks!
ATTN: Lissa
– Urm... some health shop. Remember that health drink place my mom brought me to? There lor.
Haha. How does that work, rite?
Ahem (pause, for effect), the reason is probably cos' your muscle % ratio is relatively low, and since weight-for-weight, muscle is 4x heavier than fat, if you put on more lean-mass or muscle then your weight actually increases whilst your fat level drops.
(note, I use the term lean muscle here, rather than the body-builder type...)
Ok, now I'm going to crawl into a hole somewhere, whilst you taruh me for implying you're fat (which you're not). And for the nerdy wikipedia-like response. ;-)
ATTN: Hanson
– Haha. I also dunno how liao lah. I don't like to exercise. Is there any other way to increase muscle without working out? Haha.
And wah... your geek-ratio quite high huh? Hahaha. Dun worry. Mine also can be high whenever I let the nerd out of the bag. =p
Oh, there! How did they measure, though?
I spotted typo error! - "Weight: 41kg (Underweight)" Not 45 meh? =P
Woah... You do selective picking on statements that makes you feel better... hahaha Good good!
You need more exercise btw! =P
ATTN: Lissa
– They just asked me to stand on a scale with bare feet. @_@
ATTN: Jeffro
– Ooo, thanks! And how does having medium-sized fat make me feel better? Haha. I feel really good about my % Body Water and Metabolic Age though. =p
Medium is a good statement, it means that you're neither over or under =P So it'll make you feel better right?
ATTN: Jeffro
– No lorrrr... you dun understand the results then. Medium means my % body fat is HIGHER than what it's supposed to be cos I'm underweight. -_-'''
LOL that's how it's explained? I always thought it'd be "Under" and "Over" as bad, then "Normal" and "Medium" as good. No meh? =S
ATTN: Jeffro
– Haha. No lor. Not in this case. Unfortunately, Medium is a BAD thing. Haha.
Hahaha, ahh different people different perception I guess... Medium is okay la =P
ATTN: Jeffro
– Haha. Medium is okay but unhealthy. =p
You not getting my point, I'm thinking positive... which also means healthy =P
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