Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What's Her Name?

The phone beeps. An intercom call is placed.
I hear a voice. And it calls my name.

"Pam, please?" 

I pick up the phone and answer the call. I am summoned. So I get out of my seat and head for the door with the purpose of coming face to face with the owner of the voice who sits in a corner a floor down. And just before the Studio door closes behind me, I see Suki turn to Hiyashi and I hear her say:

"Pam Please? She is not Pam Song meh?"


Almost fell down the stairs laughing.


Jeffro said...

Poor confused people. Tsk tsk tsk.

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Jeffro
– Haha. No lah. They know wan. They just pretend act dunno. Hahaha.

Jeffro said...

Some more want to act dunno... tsk tsk tsk.. What has the world become of? LOL

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Jeffro
– Hahahaha. Main main ma. =p

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