"To tell you the truth, women get scared by desperation. So the more you WANT this like NOW NOW NOW, the more you'll scare her away. Seriously. You've gotta give her a little cooling-off time. A guy who's always "hanging around" is the same guy who's always in her face. In a bad way. If you don't give her a chance to miss you, she won't. Ok? Room to breathe in a relationship/friendship is good. It's HEALTHY. So stop being a fly. Always buzzing around. Flies get irritating, right? Be a butterfly. A pleasant experience every time you come around."
– Pam Song, 25 October 2010
Yep. I actually said all that to a friend via Gtalk earlier today. And whoa... I can be pretty hardcore when I offer BGR counsel, can't I? Haha. Tough love. Sket.
o... noted. *scribble*
ATTN: Jack
– Hahahaha. Yes yes! Guys need to learn this! Haha. Which reminds me... it's been awhile since my last OTJ. =p
same can be said to girls too... desperate girls scare off guys as easily too..
ATTN: Jeffro
Flutter like a butterfly! :P
"Be a butterfly. A pleasant experience every time you come around." Hmmm just a few days ago, I saw a butterfly... Guess what experience it gained going around someone? *SWATS!* =.=" FYI, that person is not me.
ATTN: Lissa
– Eh, good suggestion lah! Haha. Why didn't I think of that?? Hahaha...
ATTN: Jeffro
– Eee... so tak feeling wan!! WHO DAT???
Stranger! I see also shake head already, tsk tsk tsk, cannot help anymore...
ATTN: Jeffro
– Wah, thank goodness you dunnno the fella. SMACK THEM AH!
I duwanna either. If I had a baseball bat, that fella would be like that butterfly! ROAR
ATTN: Jeffro
– I support!!! Smack that... THING!
I remember a song that goes "Smack that.. smtg stmg Smack that~!" hahaha
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