Wednesday, March 17, 2010

So, It's True!!

This 6 Degrees of Separation thing, I mean.

The said theory is based on the assumption that every person on Earth is, at most, six steps away from any other person on Earth. That he's-a-friend-of-a-friend-of-my-first-aunty's-second-cousin's-neighbour's-great-grandmother thing lah, basically.

You know, I always thought that the theory was interesting. And I guess a part of me wondered if it could possibly be true that I'd have only 6 degrees of separation from, say, Obama, Brad Pitt or Lady Gaga. But now, I'm beginning to really think that... it is true!

Check out it.

Haha. Amazing, huh? I blogged about this French portrait artist a whole year ago *click* and just this week, she added me as a friend on Facebook. Small, small, super-duper, teeny-tiny world, eh? =p


hennwei said...

check. out. it? i'll assume that was on purpose.

Pam Song said...

ATTN: hennwei
– Haha. Yes, it's intentional. If you haven't already noticed, I use 'Check out it" in place of "Check it out" all the time. Inside joke. Hahaha. Cos I have a colleague who says that and doesn't realise it's a mistake. =p

hennwei said...

ouch.. wow. i cant even say it out loud. it hurts the brain. >__<

Pam Song said...

ATTN: hennwei
– Haha. I work with a-m-a-z-i-n-g people.

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