Saturday, March 27, 2010

If You Don't Talk, Nobody Know You Stupid

I'm sorry but I really can't help myself from thinking this: We've officially got brainless, selfish, idiotic, selfish (oh wait, have I mentioned that already?) morons running mega companies in Malaysia. Just take a look at this nonsense lah.

*click here to jump to site*

(You better read ah. You dun read,
later you dunno what I'm talking about.)

Ok, so this is what I think the big problem is: As much as some of us try to do all we can to save Mother Earth, there are still people out there who fail to see the big picture. They just don't get that our planet is dying. And it's not rocket science. It's simple cause and effect. If we don't do something about it, and the planet goes past its tipping point... we're dead, too. Is that really so difficult for a CEO of a KLSE Main Board company to get?

I personally think that the opposition is a selfish bunch who look no further than their paychecks, bank statements and checking accounts. Sure, 1 hour of darkness could be a bigger-than-preferred chunk out of your profits. But, come on. You've already monopolised the market. There's nobody out there who's got another piece of your pie. Can't you just let this 1 hour go for the sake of your kids and your grandkids and their kids and their grandkids?

Fine. I'll admit that this 1 hour of darkness doesn't exactly 'save the planet'. But Rome wasn't built in a day. This is about making a stand. And most importantly, it's about creating awareness so that more and more people begin to open their eyes to see what's happening to our planet. If all goes well, it is ideal that these people are moved enough to want to want to dosomething about it. What begins as a 1 hour social event, could hopefully become a daily habit. Participation could lead to practice. That's the 'save the planet' change we're looking for.

If a 25-year-old like me can see that,
how is it even possible that these people
in places of power don't?

Throw away Time To Come for Profits? Sacrifice a BRIGHT FUTURE for just 1 hour of bright lights in the city? Really, you actually think that's wise? Wow. Way to go, big guns of TNB. Way to go. You really so smart. And don't you give that "Tell me, what am I supposed to say to the kids of this electrical technician when we can’t give bonus this year?" nonsense.

There are 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year.

24 hours x 365 days
= 8,760 hours in a year

1 hour out of 8,760 hours
= 0.01141 percent

* I'm already discounting the fact that as much as a bunch of us will turn off our lights tonight, a bigger, more indifferent bunch will not. So in actual fact, it's not really zero electricity use during this hour of darkness. But I'll close one eye to that ralat.

You're thinking of not giving bonus to your employees this year AND blaming this 1 tiny, little hour for that? You still earn 99.98858% of the time and you wanna use this hour as the annual scapegoat for not rewarding your staff? Pfft. Really pathetic, I think.

Let me tell you this:

After reading this nonsense,
I suddenly feel a bigger need
to turn off the lights tonight.

And I'm gonna.

p/s: Ok, so here's the truth. I wrote this rant after just breezing through the article. Went back and read properly then only realised it was a joke. Bleh. So... rather than put this piece to waste, I decided to publish it anyways. Being energy efficient is good, right? Don't waste, right? Reduce, reuse, recycle, right? Right! Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it! =)

p/s/s: Shit, I just realised I wrote that I'm 25. I'm actually not. Not anymore. I'll be turning 26 this year. Boo hoo. T_T

p/s/s/s: Don't forget to turn off your lights tonight. =)


test said...

yes I will do my part by lighting candle tonight . on the hand , the dude who wrote that article will be in deep problem .

Lissa said...

LOL. I thought it was for real. :P The link was no longer working anyways.

And. I can't turn off ALL lights tonight. Going to prom and have to leave the kitchen light on for the bebes. :(

ChickLit said...

Aw Pam, not you too! Satire FAIL! :-p

JK said...

Older & wiser...

Anonymous said...

some ppl take that news way too serious, i lmao when i read it

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Spectre
– Did you really light a candle?

And yeah, the dude took down the post shortly after and made a public apology. Haha.

ATTN: Lissa
– Not bad, huh, this fella? Most of his pieces are pretty realistically outrageous. But then again, it's Msia. Haha. Anything is possible. =p

p/s: Saw your prom pix. Nice mask! The purple sequins were a nice touch. =)

ATTN: ChickLit
– That's what this writer gets for not reading. =p

ATTN: san ling
– Indeed!

ATTN: Fluxevz
– Haha. It was pretty funny. Haha. But I had fun writing the piece so... all's good. Been awhile since I've done any rebuttals. =p

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