Sunday, October 25, 2009

Expectation a scary thing.

Because with Expectation comes
the possibility of Disappointment.


ChickLit said...


Disappointment is always possible, but never certain. In any case, you cannot hide forever.


Pam Song said...

ATTN: ChickLit
– Wow, you're quick!

Whaley Bear said...

Expectations can come with discernment, it's wise to know the limits of your expectations of another individual.

I believe that with life, comes expectations because the true measure of any relationship comes with expectations. To deny that, is to deny the worth of a relationship.

I am a tad bit drowsy with the medication I have been taking but I am pretty sure I am making sense here, but if I don't, I am sorry.

I am sorry not because I don't make sense to you but I am sorry you don't understand the significance of expectations. It's the healthy approach towards any relationships. To expect is to understand the worth of another person.

Babe, I have expectations of you because I love you.

See you soon!

notenotingnoted said...

Expectation reduces joy.

Unknown said...

Having an expectation is better than having none.

Expectation is there to satisfy one's soul. The hunger for more.

Disappointment is what push one further for a better expectation.

If it is for love, Martin Luther King Jr. quotes the best.

"There can be no deep disappointment where there is not deep love"

Resurrected said...

Expect the worst. Enjoy the moment(s)


And blessings

zecount said...

expectations also have the possibility to give rise to sweet surprises :0)

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Whaley Bear
– Not contesting you on any grounds. You have my agreement on all levels. =)

ATTN: notenotingnoted
– Hmmm... Only if expectation is followed by disappointment.

– Wow. You're a very positive person. I wish I could look at it that way all the time but it gets tough sometimes. Especially when it concerns expectations I didn't expect to have. Haha.

ATTN: Resurrected
– Yeah, this is a common one. Hope for the best, expect the worst.

ATTN: zecount
– Haha. How is it a surprise when you already expected? =p

Jeffro said...

Expectation is a wonderful thing. Not something to be scared of. Everything in this world has a balance, so when's there's expectation, there's disappointment. Or when there's good, there's evil. But no matter what, we still look for the good right? Same goes for expectation.. *winks*

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