Started working on this one last Tuesday night (more like Wednesday morning) but was too tired from work to complete it without worrying that I'd be waking up a few hours later with keyboard marks on my forehead and drool between the keys. Heh.
Anyways, the year's coming to an end and (An end and?! WHOA!! Beyond cool!) with work being as crazy as it was, I got to thinking about the things that matter, the things I've learned and the things I've come to realise in recent months. Here are 45 of them.
1. I've come to realise that... working is just a means to an end – I’ve gotta eat to stay alive.
2. I've come to realise that... my job is still JUST A JOB – it doesn't define me or my life.
3. I've come to realise that... I could totally give up my job if the carrot enticed me enough – someone to love, kids to care for, a house to look after and a garden to tend to. (Uhh, wait… forget I said anything about that garden.)
4. I've come to realise that... staying in one place won’t get me anywhere.
5. I've come to realise that... moving is as good as any excuse to de-clutter.
6. I've come to realise that... I like moving
in; I don't like moving
7. I've come to realise that... slow drives clear messed-up heads.
8. I've come to realise that... the people I can see myself entrusting my car to, they’re the ones I really trust.
9. I've come to realise that... those who’ll reach out to catch you when you fall, they’re the ones you can depend and rely on.
10. I've come to realise that... letting go and falling is impossible without faith, trust and a sense of security.
11. I've come to realise that... family are the only ones you can really count on.
12. I've come to realise that... some friends are worth keeping, some friends are not.
13. I've come to realise that... those who are able to love and accept you without understanding or reason, they're the one's who really care.
14. I've come to realise that... being the exact same person you were before and not losing yourself to Work, Life and Time, could be a good thing.
15. I've come to realise that... being on Facebook is pretty necessary if you wanna stay in the loop of things.
16. I've come to realise that... my blog's been pretty deprived of my attention of late – bad blogger.
17. I've come to realise that... I'm so comfortable with Gtalk I may not go back to MSN at all.
18. I've come to realise that... I’ve started not to take plastic bags if I don’t really need one.
19. I've come to realise that... I now wear more dresses and skirts than I used to.
20. I've come to realise that... putting in the effort to dress up makes a difference.
21. I've come to realise that... 2009 is slipping through my fingers and I'm not sure if I'm ready to let go.
22. I've come to realise that... you can buy Time but Time doesn’t bring eventual success or guarantee change.
23. I've come to realise that... wasting time doing things and being with people who don't make you happy, is a waste of Life.
24. I've come to realise that... growing old is bad, but growing up is good.
25. I've come to realise that... you can't say that you've grown up if you haven't matured or wised up.
26. I've come to realise that... I'm just like a baby. I get grumpy for no apparent reason if I don't get enough sleep or am facing hunger pangs.
27. I’ve come to realise that… I need someone who’ll baby me, but never treat me like a kid.
28. I've come to realise that... you don't really know someone until you've seen them at their worst.
29. I've come to realise that... if you’re with someone but aren’t even interested in seeing the worst, you’re worse off with them.
30. I've come to realise that... reality checks are necessary sometimes.
31. I've come to realise that... I miss predictability, comfortability and routine.
32. I've come to realise that... Contentment is paramount but hard to come by.
33. I've come to realise that... Expectation is evil.
34. I've come to realise that... things don't always turn out the way you want them to; and that's not necessarily a bad thing.
35. I've come to realise that... small differences could turn out to be big problems.
36. I've come to realise that... Love always puts the other first. If it doesn't, it isn't love.
37. I've come to realise that... it isn't enough that someone makes you smile. They've gotta be able to make you laugh out loud like a hyena, too.
38. I've come to realise that... nothing lasts forever... unless you want it to.
39. I've come to realise that... if you want Forever, you've gotta start walking towards it.
40. I've come to realise that... Chemistry and Attraction cannot be nurtured – they're either there or they're not.
41. I've come to realise that... clicking's the reason for sticking.
42. I've come to realise that... I need somebody who just "gets" me – no explanations required.
43. I've come to realise that... I'm don't want the perfect guy; I just need the perfect guy for me.
44. I’ve come to realise that… some relationships seem to ‘happen’ naturally while others require double (or triple, or even quadruple) the amount of work.
45. I've come to realise that... love isn't easy. But when it's right, the pay-off is awesome.