Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Of Love And Other Things

One quiet night, at a certain time past midnight, The Fiancé and I, tired from an eventful day out, turned off the lights and talked in whispers in the dark. Of love and other things. We talked of years gone by, almost lovers that never were, exes that came and went, the once-was-es and the what-will-bes.

Oh, how I love nights like these.

Where talk is aimless but never pointless. Where I am reminded that there's more to us than simple holding hands or even planning a major wedding. What we have, at the end of the day... is us. Him and I, put together. Made complete in the presence of one another. Sharing words, that echo thoughts, that in turn, become today's promises and tomorrow's dreams.

But let's go back to this:

Out of everything he said to me that night, I think I most remember him saying, "You know, they're like you and me. First love. The ones we never forget." (In more Manglish and less eloquence, of course. =p) And I think he's right. Maybe it's true what they say about first loves.

"Maybe your first love is the one
that sticks with you because it's the only person
who will ever receive all of you."

What you invest into subsequent relationships is rarely equivalent to what you put into your first "real" relationship. And the memories you gain, somehow always seem less memorable than those of firsts. That first date, that first kiss, that first meet-the-parents session – they all just aren't as thrilling the second time around. And because of that, your first love naturally becomes the one you never forget no matter how many others come along.

Having said that, I'm glad The Fiancé is
the one I never forgot and never will forget.
And I'm thankful he feels the same way about me. =)


Reubz said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwww........... :)

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Reubz
– Hahaha. Reading back, I went "awww" too. HAHAHA.

陳一豪 said...

erm... sorry i don't quite understand it. is it only girls that are able to understand such things?

eeeewwww you all sleep together one arrr horr horr wtf.

Pam Song said...

ATTN: 陳一豪
– Haha. Reubz is not a girl and he got it fine. You slack. No skill. Time to tune up those girly vibes. =p

Plus, you're a boy with a dirty mind cos he sent me home that night after we talked. As he does every night after every talk. Dirty brain. Tsk tsk. Shame on you.

陳一豪 said...

Oops sorry Reubz :$

@pam - erm, nolah i very suci that's why i was mortified by the idea of you guys dozing off together. i apologise for bringing this great shame upon you.

Pam Song said...

ATTN: 陳一豪
- Haha. TYH, you're so full of nonsense. Beh tahan man. Haha. And you??? Suci?? Hokkien got this saying: Thi Lok Ang Hor. (Direct Translation: Sky rain down red rain.) Means... it'll never happen. HAHAHA.

Lissa said...

Awwww... :)

Jeffro said...

awwww... I wish that was true for me as well...

Ooo but I do like the part "... talked in whispers in the dark. Of love and other things. We talked of years gone by, almost lovers that never were, exes that came and went, the once-was-es and the what-will-bes"

I find that kinda moment one of the best, in any relationship =)

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Lissa
– Yeah, I read back and went 'awww' on the inside too. HAHA. Narcissistic much? =p

ATTN: Jeffro
– Yeah to be able to talk about everything under the sun and not feel uncomfortable about it or have it affect the perfection of the present. =)

Jeffro said...

Yeah, you've just described one of the best things having a relationship with someone special... I miss those moments though *sigh*

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Jeffro
– Well, technically, I don't get these "perks of being in a relationship" very often cos we're always going long distance. So... you're not missing out on a lot of what I don't have much of either. Haha.

Jeffro said...

At least yours was cause of long distance, but I'm pretty sure, it ain't cause of that, you'd probably have that frequently... to the point of "I got nothing to say already, you know everything".

I don't even think I had much of these moments, probably a handful count only... Oh well~~

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Jeffro
– Hahaha. Well, the good thing (more like positive-ish side effect) about LDR is that you tend to have to share and talk about things more than you would if you were together for all these special moments. Cos you don't have hugs to make up for words. Or kisses to make up for stories. What you get, are just words. So we kinda have that "you know everything" thing going on already. Haha.

Jeffro said...

Hahaha, you got a point there. Well, it'll be another good few years for me before I get into anything like that... Meanwhile I shall enjoy the stories and words of others. Somewhat I prefer listening to others, rather than having go through it all over again...

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