WARNING: Many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, many, MANY pictures up ahead in a super, super, super, super, super, super, super, super, super, super, super, super, super, super, super, super, SUPER long post. Allow all pictures on page to load at your own risk. Consider yourself forewarned.
Went all out for a full-fledged girlie weekend last week. Like, crazy-hoppin' girlie. Serious. Never bluff you. I was one step short of dying my hair pink, putting on false lashes andwearing a dress spraying pretty little butterflies all over my Satria.
You see, on Saturday, I indulged (kinda sorta) in a free facial courtesy of Gua Sa. (Will blog about that experience one day lah ya. Long story.) And on Sunday, I hopped over to Uptown Damansara with a girlfriend to get me my daily dose of Lady. I went to get a manicure... AND MY VERY FIRST PEDICURE!!! Wheee!
Went all out for a full-fledged girlie weekend last week. Like, crazy-hoppin' girlie. Serious. Never bluff you. I was one step short of dying my hair pink, putting on false lashes and
You see, on Saturday, I indulged (kinda sorta) in a free facial courtesy of Gua Sa. (Will blog about that experience one day lah ya. Long story.) And on Sunday, I hopped over to Uptown Damansara with a girlfriend to get me my daily dose of Lady. I went to get a manicure... AND MY VERY FIRST PEDICURE!!! Wheee!
Manicure: RM15 (Damn cheap wei!)
Pedicure: RM15 (Also damn cheap!)
Manicure + Pedicure: RM30 (I take lah! I take!)
Sat down, picked my colour (a deep ultramarine blue – you'll see it later), and had the manicurist tunjuk skill. (Here's where the pics come in. Are ya ready?)
She clipped my nails a little, filed them, and applied some kind of yellow-tinged cuticle oil around the edges where my nail met the skin. "Wah! Your skin very dry leh! I put more, I put more!" -_- Sigh. The skin on my fingers always die when it's pak hong time wan. (That's when the Chinese believe the dry North wind blows Malaysia's way.) Left the oil there for awhile and started massaging my fingers. Super nice feeling! After that, she cleaned it all off and started on the base coat.
And then I kena halau. -_-
Some other customer needed a touch up so she asked if she could work on that other girl-slash-lady first. I said, "Okay." (Actually, that girl-slash-lady looked so much like a girl I kinda sorta knew once. Serious! I really wonder if it was her. Hmmm. Not going to leave a name here cos long story also this one but I'd have liked to have spoken to her. Oh well, now no time for long stories so just forget about it.)
So I ended up camwhoring to pass the time.
ATTEMPT 1: Not nice. My hand wasn't long enough to take pics from behind another person so our faces ended up filling the whole picture. Bleh. Take again!

ATTEMPT 2: Super fail! The camerawoman potong her own face AND wasn't even looking at the camera. Haha. Aiyoooo...

ATTEMPT 3: Ahhh, finally. A relatively acceptable picture. Though I think I look a tad weird. Like my head and my body aren't joined by a neck. Eww, yuck! So sick and spastic hor? Haih. It's the lighting! I blame the crummy lighting!

After we camwhored, the head hairstylist at the salon we were at came by to ask if we wanted to get our hair done. I was a first-timer at the salon. And oh lookie lookie, they had a promo "just for first-timers like me." *rolls eyes* Pfft. That should have been my cue to run lah. In the end, kena con only, I tell you. Kena con kau kau. -_-
NOTE: This conversation a bit long, I know. If got no time, scroll down. I got write summary for you all. SeeIsogoodsaythankyou.
Leon the Hairdresser: Eh. You want treatment? Now got promotion. For first time people like you only! Like she *points to Accountant Girl* cannot already!
Pam Song: *skeptical* Uh, okay... How good is your promotion wor?
Leon the Hairdresser: You see this wan. *points to a L'Oréal Professional haircare range* Usually do this treatment is RM100 wan. If today you buy, only RM50 one time! Means 50% off you know!
Pam Song: Hmmm. RM50 ah... *turns to Accountant Girl* Quite cheap hor?
Accountant Girl: Ya lor, ya lor. Cheap leh.
Leon the Hairdresser: But you have to sign 5 times so means is RM250 for 5 times. Usually is RM500 you know!
Pam Song: Wah! Have to sign 5 times wan ah? A lot of money leh.
Leon the Hairdresser: You two share lah! You buy 6 then each one take 3 ok wat.
Pam Song: Eh! Means can buy more than 5 wan ah?
Leon the Hairdresser: Caaannnn. You want to buy how many also can. Only thing is today, you must buy. Cannot next time.
Pam Song: Ooo. Okay okay. *turns to ask Accountant Girl* You want ah? I dun mind lah. Cos my hair like shit. Need to do treatment also lah.
Accountant Girl: *smiles like a goofball and nods eagerly, just like a bobblehead*
Pam Song: *still speaking to Accountant Girl* So means how? We take 5 each or we take 3 each? I sket I buy then never come only.
Accountant Girl: 5 lor. I make sure you come. When I come, you come also.
Pam Song: Haha. Okay. Set. We take 5. *turns to Leon* 5 each, okay?
Leon the Hairdresser: Ok! But... you want to do scalp care or not? Scalp care is only RM25. You can do together with your treatment so that it is like, more complete.
Pam Song: Wah! Summore? Hmmm. RM25 ah. So means the full treatment is RM75 already lah.
Leon the Hairdresser: Ya ya. Still very cheap leh.
Pam Song: Okay lah. I might as well. So means all together how much? Dun so ex for me lor! Or else everyday I have to eat bread leh. Hair nice but thin like stick also no use wan okayyy.
Leon the Hairdresser: *laughs* No lah. Very cheap already. RM375.
Pam Song: WAH! Die! So ex!
Accountant Girl: You should lor. Should take care of your hair.
Pam Song: Sigh. Ok lah, ok. 5 lah.
Leon the Hairdresser: But hor... You hair ah... If want it to look healthy, you should take away your old highlights. Cover up all. Or else your hair still look very dry wan cos the colour now already turn gold.
Pam Song: Aiyo! Dye hair? Money summore???
Leon the Hairdresser: Or else you do treatment also no use wan wor. Still look dry wan.
Pam Song: Actually hor... I never thought of dying my hair before wan. All I want is to highlight.
Leon the Hairdresser: You can highlight here!
Pam Song: -_- Broke. Already. Lah. Uncle.
Leon the Hairdresser: No, never broke. I do for you I sure give you best price wan.
Pam Song: Sigh. *reluctantly* How much wor?
Leon the Hairdresser: RM140 lor.
Pam Song: *dies* Cannot lah, cannot.
Leon the Hairdresser: Caaannn. I even cover the old highlight for you with Number 4.
Pam Song: *blur* Huh?
Leon the Hairdresser: Your hair colour is Number 4. I see also know already. So if you highlight with me, I cover for you. Never charge you. Ok? *big big con man smile*
Pam Song: Okay, wait. Dun wan talk already. You count first. Count see altogether how much. See money first then only continue talking, ok?
Leon the Hairdresser: Okay okay. Can. *whips out calculator and proceeds to push many buttons in an attempt to confuse me* All is RM515.
Pam Song: WAAAHHH!!! Cannot lah, Leon!
Accountant Girl: RM500 lah.
Leon the Hairdresser: Hmmm. Okay lah. Can.
Pam Song: !?! (Siao liao! These people deciding on how I use my credit card without me!)
So to summarize, I went to the salon for a mani and a pedi. Had to wait for it so I ended up agreeing to getting my hair treated. Agreed on a 5x treatment package that cost RM250. Then cos I was already treating my hair, I might as well throw in the scalp care serum thingy, too. Was then told that if I have my old highlights on, the treatment would be useless cos my hair would still look dry with gold streaks running down the ends. Subsequently got persuaded into highlighting my hair, too. So that's kind how I ended up being copper-stricken. (Thank goodness I love it or I'd so kill myself now. -_-)
You know... On second thought, I blame that somewhat familiar girl-lady who made me wait. SHE was the one who left me to Leon. SHE was the one who gave him time to con me. SHE was the one who made me spend RM500 on my hair. SHE was the one! IT'S ALL HER FAAAAUULT!!!
So anyhew, when The Babi was done with her mani clean up, I went back to the manicurist's table to continue my manicure.
While she painted my nails, Leon got to work. Surprisingly, he didn't wash my hair first. Though he would. Instead, he started putting on the highlights already. Hmmm. Maybe that's what I get for bargaining for better price. He minus one wash. Bleh. Takkan have to be so cheapo meh? Water and shampoo only wat. -_-

As you can see, I put it to very good use. =p
That last picture looks totally awesome when it's overexposed. I may use it for my profile pic. Still thinking. Think I should? It'd probably help complete my kick-butt image summore. Haha.
Uh, you know what? This post is getting really confusing cos I'm doing too many things at once. I'm gonna talk all about my nail colour first before I proceed to my hair, okay? I also write until blur already.
Uh, you know what? This post is getting really confusing cos I'm doing too many things at once. I'm gonna talk all about my nail colour first before I proceed to my hair, okay? I also write until blur already.

And soon enough (she works very fast)... TADA!!!

Nice, right??? I love the colour to death! Ultramarine blue is so much cooler than black. Black's all juvenile-delinquent. Very wannabe. Ultramarine blue, on the otherhand, is... bitchy. Heh. That's the word. It says, "Don't mess with me for I'll kick your butt. I promise you, I will. Rub me the wrong way and I'll scratch your eyes out." Wheee! Nice! I'm glad I picked this one and not chocolate. (That was the other colour I was considering. I'm not a big fan of light colours.)
Couldn't see the blue clearly
in that last pic? See it here...
in that last pic? See it here...
So. Damn. Nice.
*heart melts*
See again! See again!
*heart melts*
See again! See again!

And only for RM15, can you believe that??? (Actually, yes, I can. This wasn't a manicure. It was an express manicure. The kind where all they do is paint. -_- No cleaning, no cutting of cuticles – nothing. I should have known. Haih. Accountant Girl bluff me.)
Anyhew, it was Accountant girl's turn to do her nails. She picked her colour while I sat like a tai-tai, waiting for my nails to dry.
Unlike me, she's into all the fancy fancy drawing wan. RM2 extra per nail though. Crazy. I no believe in spending this kind of money.

But enough about fingernails and manicures. Let's talk
about my hair!!! (Shit, man. I'm so narcicistic! How???)

The dye started smelling really bad after awhile. Like, really really really bad. Beh tahan, man. The sensation was like eating wasabe but with my nose and not my mouth! Goes right up to the head and made me wanna cry.

BUT... for the sake of professional camwhoring, I shall
suck it up and pretend to smile like it smells of fresh Roti Boi!
Mind over matter.
Mind over matter.
Mind over matter.

If you think I looked bad that time, wait till you see how I looked like by the time he was done tin-foiling all my hair.

Che-wah. Dun play play.
I smile for show only.
Actually very kick-butt wan.
After lounging around for a bit, my hair was washed and I was given my scalp treatment. Leon just sprayed on some minty liquid and started rubbing it all over my head. Nice sensation, actually. Very refreshing. He then proceeded with the hair treatment.
At this point in time, the fact that I was highlighting my hair again (did it once before *click*) and was very excited to see the end result. And the end result is that...

Too bad it shows off my balding head, too. -_-
See that bald patch nearing the back of my head??? ROAR!!! This will not do. If this gets any worse, I'll look like psycho Britney by the time I hit 30! Cannot! Sigh. I need to go buy Audace Regan's super power hair tonic already la...
Haih. Change topic.
Too depressing di.
What next?
Oh, yes. I'm flatheaded, too.
Too depressing di.
What next?
Oh, yes. I'm flatheaded, too.

Bleh. So flat! I dunno why hairstylists always have this thing about flat hair. Sheesh. As though the flatness of hair is reflective of their hair kungfu liddat. *rolls eyes* So... I campur tangan and tried to work my fringe up a little.
But on a whole, I'd have to say that I was happy with the results. Still am, actually. Haha. And that's a good thing. I'm happy! =)

by Accountant Girl who was sitting right next to me. She made
me laugh just as I was preparing for a camwhore moment.
Alrights. Now that I'm done with the manicures, the highlights and the treatments, I'm gonna go on to the pedicures.
Whoa, this post is getting real tiring. I'm amazed that you're still reading, actually! Can I stop here? Please please? I think I should stop. Yeah, I think I'll stop and continue writing this another day. I've already put three days into it anyways. What's a couple more days, right? Right. Okay, that's it. I'm stopping this post. For my sanity's sake. Plus, I need my sleep. Goodnight, y'all. More tomorrow. Zzz...
*blink blink*
Whoa, this post is getting real tiring. I'm amazed that you're still reading, actually! Can I stop here? Please please? I think I should stop. Yeah, I think I'll stop and continue writing this another day. I've already put three days into it anyways. What's a couple more days, right? Right. Okay, that's it. I'm stopping this post. For my sanity's sake. Plus, I need my sleep. Goodnight, y'all. More tomorrow. Zzz...
Nice highlights but hor your original long hairs look classier la...
And the accountant's finger nails are nicely done la....I meant the matching color & flowery design....Blue wan, Eeeer..Eeeeer...like corpse's fingernails la...=PHaha
ATTN: Adrian Lim
– Hahahaha. My highlight-less hair was ok lah. But... boring lah always liddat. Anyway, I know now that my colour is No.4 so all I need to do to get that colour back is to ask for No.4. Haha. Sap sap suey.
I dun like flowers on my nails. Diamante, even worse. So tak ngam my image. And my blue nice lah, okay. The only reason it looks like corpse's hand is cos my hand no colour lah. Haha.
rm500.. it better be good XD
Ah, the after salon flat hair. I HATE IT! SO UGLY CAN DIE.
Nice nail colour! :)
Oh Oh. You kena con kau kau. Ahahaha.
"Maybe even wrestle her to the ground and make her suck my pedicured toes as I gloat from my victory. =p"
ATTN: RealGunners
– Haha. It is! I feel the bounce returning to my tresses already. =p
ATTN: choco
– Ya lor! My usual hairstylist knows I hate it so he never does it that way for me. Haha. This wan... needs my personal training before he knows me through and through. Gimmie some time. I'm working on him. =p
And you tell Adrian lah. I also damn like my colour. He say looks like corpse hands wor. -_-
(He no taste.)
Eh... dun la say I kena con. =( A lot of money wei.
ATTN: yapthomas
– Eh. I could so beat Pink ok.
Haha...with that blue fingernails...can act in Mrs Vampire movie liao.....*ring the bell once, hop once type* =P
O_O firstly.. the pic makes it look you weren't there and u stuck ur head-picture onto it.. and ur fren looks like she got neck-extension (3rd pic, i think)
Secondly, so that's how u gals do all those manicures+pedicures.. Oooo
Thirdly, someone enjoying every process of getting the chopper streaks..
fourthly, they din act weirdly wif u and the cam-snapping business? Oh well, i guess that's gals, if it was a guy, it'd be different..
fifthly, so many -ly's right? nvm.. add one more oso wudnt hurt..
sixly, and lastly.. I LIKEY the SUPA-Punk look!
ATTN: Adrian Lim
– *ring the bell once, hop once type*
What talking you wor???
ATTN: Jeffro
– In response to "Firstly": Ya lor! Ya lor! Quite scary hor? So weird lah. Haha.
In response to "Secondly": Looks like very glamour but it's tiring work, actually. Haha.
In response to "Thirdly": YES! So nice! I like it when people work on my hair. =p
In response to "Fourthly": Hmmm. I know what you mean. If I see a guy doing that I'd also feel weird. =p
In response to "Fifthly" & "Sixthly": I never imagined I'd be able to look like that. Haha.
never watch Chinese vampire movie issit?! 'Keong Shi' (mandarin) la....that hops when you ring the bell wan..... =P
ATTN: Adrian Lim
– Watch! But it's been ages since then lah. AGES! Haha. I moved on to Dracula. =p
Oh gosh, that reminds me I haven't pamper myself for a longggg time. Looking good as always girl. ;)
ATTN: .val.
– Hey! Long time no see! I hope you're doing good. Haven't self-pampered in awhile? How can??? Time to go for a mani! Or terus go for a day spa. Yums! =p
Okay. I'll tell the truth, I skipped most of the writings.
ATTN: Simon Seow
– Ish! Melampau! I put in so much effort you knowww!
I should have taken heed of the warning.... REALLY super long post!
hahaha... esp @ response to Fourthly..
Tried that.. that's why I know how it felt.. Ppl giving me the "wtf is wrong wif u" face.. =(
not bad babes :) slight change all goodie :) how hasa u been?
– Haha. Here's where I get to say, "I TOLD YOU SO!" =p
ATTN: Jeffro
– You've done that??? Hahaha. Vain much? *grin*
ATTN: Linora 'Aronil' Low
– Haha. Thanks! I've been good. All tired out from trying to maintain a social life and a career but... things are swell. =p You? What's next in line after Ismail?
some call me mr.vainpot..
others call me mr.super-more-than-1-inch-thick-skin.. *phew that was long*
hahaha.. practically yeah, did something lidat before.. ^_^
ATTN: Jeffro
– Haha. You're a MALE camwhore!!!
but ppl say me not good camHo..
i nid to buck up...
ATTN: Jeffro
– WAH! Need to buck up summore? No need lah no need. Leave the camwhoring to the girls. =p
lool.. no discrimination here..
guys can camHo too.. xD
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