ATTENTION: Please note that Accountant Girl is now officially known as Banana Girl on Tinki Talks. And no, I'm not being mean. She actually REQUESTED to be called Banana Girl instead of Accountant Girl, can you believe that???
I really don't know what goes on in that 123-add-subtract-multiply-divide brain of hers lor. Accountants are weird, I tell you. Anyhew, this new, revised nickname shall remain from this day onwards, till officially stated otherwise. Thank you for your kind attention.
*rolls eyes*
I really don't know what goes on in that 123-add-subtract-multiply-divide brain of hers lor. Accountants are weird, I tell you. Anyhew, this new, revised nickname shall remain from this day onwards, till officially stated otherwise. Thank you for your kind attention.
Don't leave. Read my post.
Okay okay, hear me out before you
think me crazy for having that odd title.
Okay okay, hear me out before you
think me crazy for having that odd title.
Went for a walk-in facial at New York Skin Solutions, The Curve today with Accountant Girl. @_@ UH, I MEAN BANANA GIRL! (I'msorryplease
forgivemeathousandapologiesIhumblybegforyourforgivenessOHolyBanana.) The deal was that it cost only RM48 for the first trial. Not too bad lah, considering they've got some pretty good derma-tech backing and all that. (I know cos I've tried it before once when I was in Penang a couple of years back. So technically, this isn't really my first trial. But they've dumped my file so I just went under the pretense that it is. *grin*)
Too bad the facial sucked.
Like, big time. Sigh.
Like, big time. Sigh.
I ended up with the worst consultant ever. EVER! I've never felt anybody treat my face this way before. It was like she was sandpapering my epidermis away, at 100 miles an hour! So totally WTH, right??? ROAR! I was tensed throughout. And now I've got a backache and stiff shoulders. -_- After a SUPPOSEDLY pampering facial. My goodness. What nonsense, right???
Fortunately, the facial ended up being FREE.
Tee hee.
(I know you hate me now but
I don't care. I got a FREE facial.)
Kinda sorta, at least. Haha. Lemmie explain.
Tee hee.
(I know you hate me now but
I don't care. I got a FREE facial.)
Kinda sorta, at least. Haha. Lemmie explain.
During my post-facial consultation (it was a 1-hour facial and I came out a full 15 minutes before Banana Girl, no thanks to the consultant who scrubbed my face at high speed -_-), they asked if I wanted to sign for their First Trial Package. Pfft. Berthousand-thousand Ringgit, okayyy. Siao. Hear also mouth dry, hand sweat, leg shake.
10X Something-something Hydrating Facial
+ Shoulder Massage with Dunno What Oil
+ Something-something Face Mask
+ 10X FREE Eye Treatment (with any Visa or Mastercard)
+ 20% Off Total Package Price (only valid if Package is signed upon post-facial consultation after completing FIRST trial)
* HSBC Credit Cards offer its holders a 12-month, interest-free installment plan.
NORMAL PRICE: More than RM6000.00 for 10 visits (Can't remember exact amount at the mo.)
Forget it. No way I'm parting with that kind of money for a little bit of
I digress. My apologies.
So there I was sitting down, sipping boilling water – I think it was their not-so-subtle way of telling me, "HAH! Don't want sign issit?? Burn your tongue until you cannot talk. Hmmph!" – after successfully telling the lady that I wasn't interested in anything she had to offer me, when Banana Girl walks in with her consultant. The consultant goes through everything I heard before with her and as it was with me, it was "No Deal."
Defeated, the consultant left to bring us our FREE product packs.
(This was quite a nice surprise. We weren't expecting any freebies.)
Quite a nice size. Very travel pack-ish. =)
Cleanser. Toner. Moisturiser. And yes, I did
my nails again. Will blog that tomorrow.
(This was quite a nice surprise. We weren't expecting any freebies.)
my nails again. Will blog that tomorrow.
After which, she opened the doors and said, "Bye bye! Bye bye! Thank yew for coming ah. Call me if you want sign the package just now I tell you wan. But we finish work 8pm so dun so late ah." (She's quite Cina wan.) Then, her colleagues – the other consultants – joined her, "Bye bye! Hope you enjoy! Come again. Bye bye!"(They're all quite Cina, actually.)
So, we walked out of the shop, FREE product pack in hand, after returning their bye-byes. Doing no more than walk while sharing horror facial stories and complaining about the during-facial service we just received. And then the impossible happened. Banana Girl turned to me and asked:
Banana Girl: Eh, wait! You pay them already ah?
Pam Song: *blink blink* *eyes wide open* *stutter* "NNN-NN-NO! I NEVER! DID YOU???"
Banana Girl: NO! I thought you pay for me already that's why they never ask me pay!!
Pam Song: Why would I pay for you first if you never come out to have your post-facial consultation yet???
Banana Girl: They never ask you pay meh?
Pam Song: No! Never! After my consultation you come out already ma. Then they talk to you, give us free products, open door for us and 'bye bye' us summore!
Banana Girl: Ya lah hor! How come they 'bye bye' and never take money wan?! So funny!
Pam Song: How I know how come they never take money?! They 'bye bye' me, I 'bye bye' back lah! The money bit never crossed my mind at all cos usually sales people will ask for it wan ma!
Banana Girl: So how now??? After 8PM already. They close shop di. Haha. See if they call or email us lor hor? *mischevious glint in eye*
Seriously speaking though, I wouldn't go back to this outlet for another facial. If you've been for a Dermalogical facial before, you'll see the vast difference and how terrible this one is. Phooi. So tak pass. The Gurney Plaza, Penang branch did it better the last time I tried it. Go there if you're dying to tryyour luck at getting yourself a free facial New York Skin Solutions' facial for yourself. =p
So, we walked out of the shop, FREE product pack in hand, after returning their bye-byes. Doing no more than walk while sharing horror facial stories and complaining about the during-facial service we just received. And then the impossible happened. Banana Girl turned to me and asked:
Banana Girl: Eh, wait! You pay them already ah?
Pam Song: *blink blink* *eyes wide open* *stutter* "NNN-NN-NO! I NEVER! DID YOU???"
Banana Girl: NO! I thought you pay for me already that's why they never ask me pay!!
Pam Song: Why would I pay for you first if you never come out to have your post-facial consultation yet???
*smacks forehead*
This seems to happen to us a lot in slightly varied ways.
This seems to happen to us a lot in slightly varied ways.
Banana Girl: They never ask you pay meh?
Pam Song: No! Never! After my consultation you come out already ma. Then they talk to you, give us free products, open door for us and 'bye bye' us summore!
Banana Girl: Ya lah hor! How come they 'bye bye' and never take money wan?! So funny!
Pam Song: How I know how come they never take money?! They 'bye bye' me, I 'bye bye' back lah! The money bit never crossed my mind at all cos usually sales people will ask for it wan ma!
Banana Girl: So how now??? After 8PM already. They close shop di. Haha. See if they call or email us lor hor? *mischevious glint in eye*
So there you have it.
Our accidentally FREE hour-long facial
from New York Skin Solutions.
Tee hee hee.
(Maybe they'll panic and call us first thing tomorrow. Will update
if we're called to return to The Curve to make payment. =p)
Our accidentally FREE hour-long facial
from New York Skin Solutions.
Tee hee hee.
(Maybe they'll panic and call us first thing tomorrow. Will update
if we're called to return to The Curve to make payment. =p)
Seriously speaking though, I wouldn't go back to this outlet for another facial. If you've been for a Dermalogical facial before, you'll see the vast difference and how terrible this one is. Phooi. So tak pass. The Gurney Plaza, Penang branch did it better the last time I tried it. Go there if you're dying to try
All skin shop owners will put up a memo with your face and ensure their staff collect payments first before any service.. haha
oh.. new nail polish.. and it shall vanish within a week.. i bet..
ATTN: yapthomas
– Eh! Not my fault they dun wan my money okay!!! Sheesh!
And that nail polish thingy is no guarantee. Haha. What you saw may not be the case EVERYTIME. Hmmph! Stop judging me and assuming the worst!!
cacat ..i should have go together with you lah !!!
Hahaha :P
thats cool. xD
ohh, abt da mamma mia.. ummm. hehe
Next time I will say Hi. haha. Malu malu la. hohoho
The title should have been called "The Facial Job".
U pulled the heist before they pulled it on ya. Hahahaha. But now, you're outlaws and might carry a bounty of RM2600.00, and HSBC will offer the Samaritan who turned you in, a 50% offer for their next facial at New Yorkie Skin Solutions.
How about that!
– See lah! See lah! Dun wan hang with me summore. Hmmph! TAI SEI! Hahahaha.
ATTN: xianfu
– Haha. Okay, I'll wait for next time then. =p
ATTN: Chris
– HAHA. Yeah. We're like Oceans 2, wei. Damn cool. Tene nene. Tene nene. =p
ATTN: Spectre
– WOAI!!! Dun jinx my future opportunities at getting accidental freebies!!!
ATTN: Chris
– Uncle, what doing you?
errr, hahaha, sowie sowie sowie, lapseh...
I juz refreshed the comments page then umm, i didnt know its was republishin comments again. SO i did again to check, hence the double whammy.
Again, sowie. I know it was annoying.
Btw, u all need new nicknames or monikers to go with your new found status as members of the legendary OCEANS team.
Pam, dermalogica facial is good, no?
but are you those kind of girl who is born with good skin anyways? haha.. will it make any diff with problematic skin??
I go to MTM in the Gardens for my facial treament.
ATTN: Chris
– Wah. Ppl say paiseh. I've never heard LAPseh before. =p
Eh... Why can't we be the oceans team WITHOUT the new names? What's wrong with our current names? I kinda like what I have now!
ATTN: evelyn
– Yes, Dermalogica facials are good. Haha. Very calming and relaxing. Results not so great, though, I feel.
I was fortunate enough to be born with not-so-bad skin. Haha. But I heard that NY Skin Solutions is good for problematic skin. It'll be red and all that lah. But it's supposed to be very good. Cos they use ultrasound and all that wan. Very high tech. =p
Go try lah! Maybe your consultant will be better than the one I got. Haha. I think my girl's name was Iris.
ATTN: Simon Seow
– Gardens? Wow. Sounds ex. Is it?
Almost the same as the package for New York Skin. I sign up the package 10 times treatment for RM 1500.
ATTN: Simon Seow
– Wah! Cheaper!!!
i thinks its about time i get my face pampered and done up - after all the years of sun and 'work' damage.
i don't do facials, but i've had a similar experience at pizza hut: duduk, order, makan, bangun cuci tangan, cabut, and the waiter also open the door and bye bye with me =.=
i was used to McD where we pay b4 eat, tht day McD was crowded so i went to Pizza Hut, and i thought i payed, hence the accidental free lunch in the end..
i went to this new york before and i got a schock over the price they offer la we have printing money machine at home like that. and they gave us 'stupid face' when i said that i'm not interested. make me want to slap that girl when she make her face! haha!
derma's facial is good. relaxing and their services is so much better! and facial treatment is so much cheaper! =)
ATTN: sheon
– Go! Go! We ain't gettin' any younger. Time to take care of ourselves and our skin. PAMPER PAMPER PAMPER! =p
ATTN: RealGunners
– Why you no do facials? You should! It's very very relaxing! (If you get a good consultant lah, that is. =p)
Haha. Funny about that Pizza Hut story. Why they dun wan our money ha? Haha. So rugi business!
ATTN: Denise
– Yeah wei! I know what you mean! So ex, right??? I think it's more ex than Dermalogica. Not sure but I think lah. And it's less comfy inside. What's with the open topped cubicles?! So noisy when they walk in and out. And next door talk also we can hear. Ish.
ATTN: Baby
– Ya lor! Tell me about it, man. That's why I also feel... no point signing lah.
And no, they didn't call. Haha. Didn't email also. Nothing. Diam aje. Haha. Oh well. =p
Doesn't matter where you go it's the consultant/beautician that counts. Same place, different consultant will give you different result.
And Popo still gets my vote for being the most skillful beautician. She works wonders where others dare not go or have tried and failed.
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