...is finally over. Phew.
*breathes sigh of relief*
*breathes sigh of relief*
It ain't easy keeping mum here on Tinki Talks, I tell ya. Almost died from involuntarily holding my breath. Sigh. Self-asphyxiation is the only way to stop myself from blogging, it seems. My brain stops working due to the lack of Oxygen going into my system, and my hands are busy cutting off that flow of Oxygen my brain needs. All that can be summarised into this equation:
Argh! I have so many things to say! So many things to recap! So many things to blog about! And to think that for the past 48 hours, I had no outlet whatsoever for any release. BUT BUT BUT... that's not what matters right now.
What matter is that
Looking back, I wonder: how did I manage? How did I even survive the last 48 hours? I? Pam Song? Not blogging for 48 hours? ME?!? Goodness. You must be kidding me. And then I think: wow. If I can do this, I. Can. Do. Anything. Give me a tit – not mine, thankyouverymuch – and see me find the cure to breast cancer. Send me to North Korea, Haiti and Somalia, then watch me end world hunger. (Okay okay, dah overboard. These are not issues to kid about. Let's get serious and move on to less sensitive issues, alrights? Enough with the jokes.)

No Oxygen + No Free Hands = Cannot Think + Cannot Type
Cannot Think + Cannot Type = No Blogging
Am Icrazy brilliant or am I brilliant, I ask you???
Cannot Think + Cannot Type = No Blogging
Am I
Argh! I have so many things to say! So many things to recap! So many things to blog about! And to think that for the past 48 hours, I had no outlet whatsoever for any release. BUT BUT BUT... that's not what matters right now.
What matter is that
Tene nene. Tene nene.
I did my time – 48-hours of silence
(I am a woman of my word, okayyy)
...and not a minute more. (Tee hee.)
I did my time – 48-hours of silence
(I am a woman of my word, okayyy)
...and not a minute more. (Tee hee.)
Looking back, I wonder: how did I manage? How did I even survive the last 48 hours? I? Pam Song? Not blogging for 48 hours? ME?!? Goodness. You must be kidding me. And then I think: wow. If I can do this, I. Can. Do. Anything. Give me a tit – not mine, thankyouverymuch – and see me find the cure to breast cancer. Send me to North Korea, Haiti and Somalia, then watch me end world hunger. (Okay okay, dah overboard. These are not issues to kid about. Let's get serious and move on to less sensitive issues, alrights? Enough with the jokes.)

See? Proof. Never bluff you wan.
Not purposely dun wan 'chai' you all.
From this moment forth, blogging resumes. Catch ya laters. =)
(You have no idea how great it feels to be able to say that.)
Not purposely dun wan 'chai' you all.
From this moment forth, blogging resumes. Catch ya laters. =)
(You have no idea how great it feels to be able to say that.)
That would explain a lot. Like why there are no updates from bloggers after an advertorial. Hmm.
An heavy price for advertorial!
heya there, bumped into your blog while blog hopping. you look familiar, :D were you one of jen's friends at her 21st birthday @ brisik?
ATTN: choco
– Ya lor. But I kinda understand why they'd want to be at the top for at least 48-hours lah. I mean, if all bloggers pushed their post down in less than 24-hours, then their advertising budget would have so gone to waste. Right?
ATTN: Spectre
– Very heavy. Especially for a blogger like me. Haha.
But I wouldn't mind writing another advertorial. =p
ATTN: -Kenneth-
– Hey ya! Yeah, it's me. I was there for her birthday. Sitting at the outcast table at the far end with the other bloggers. Haha. You were there, too? I took a look at your pic. Don't quite recognize. (Not my fault! There were just so many of you on the other side!)
haha, i think our table is more outcast compared to yours lor, your table bigger >< oh you mean my blog pic? that pic my hair not standing, when i was at jen's party diff hairstyle d. check out jen's blog and i think you'll know which 1 d :P that jen ah,always like that. i think she shud make it compulsory for her friends to introduce each another. :P
ATTN: -Kenneth-
– Yeah, I checked out your blog to find out who you were. =p Unfortunately, to no avail. Still tak tau. Haha.
Jen needs training! Let's make her throw another party so that she does the introductions right! Woo hoo! You suggest. I'll support. =p
It's okayyy! hmm.. should change my blog pic to a more updated one i guess then maybe you'll know =P
lol, Agreed! I'll let that girl know and give her some pre-party trainings, then we'll get our well deserved introductions, haha! =D
okay, it's bedtime for me, i'll talk with you some other time. anyways, nice meeting u pam, see you around! ta! =D
*nods head* yah, i agree. but instead of not blogging for 2 days. Personally I think as long as the ad is the top post should be ok kua. Cause can adjust adjust the post a bit. :P But if thats the policy then..*shrug*
ATTN: -Kenneth-
– Haha. Yes, you should update that pic. =p
So when's the par-teh??? *grin*
ATTN: choco
– Haha. I thought of doing that also. BUT... like feel a bit cheating liddat. Haha. Feel guilty. Maybe I'll do that next time if I have an advertorial lah. =p
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