Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Once a camwhore cubicle, always a camwhore cubicle.


The odd couple entered The Cu•bi•cle. One tall, one, uh, not-so-tall with heels. One with hair long enough to cover a naked body, and one with no hair to be seen. Hmmm. An odd couple indeed.

The Capped One says to no one in particular, "I'm surprised we're not taking pictures." Or something to that effect. I can't remember. The Long-haired One rolls her eyes. I shrug. And then I get excited. Because it's been awhile since I've camwhored in that space. Time to do something about it. And no time better than Now.

The Capped One exclaims, "Look at my eyes!
So bengkak! No way you're going to blog that!"

The Long-haired One comes up with a brilliant plan.
Very creative. Totally deserves a pencil. A nice black one.
(That's an advertising award if you were wondering if I've lost it.)

The Male Ah Lian's bunny finally found its calling.

Bengkak eyes? What bengkak eyes? =p


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