I know I've lusted over the iPod Nano-Chromatic in recent days. *click here to read said post* But let's get real. Smashin' colour aside, 8GB storage (and 16GB storage alike) is nothing to shout about. In fact, I think it makes the iPod Nano-Chromatic a somewhat pathetic mp3 player. Hello, I can't even drive up to Penang and back again without having to loop my songs, okayyy! So pretty pathetic!
Plus, with a current iTunes music library of 10,340 songs (and growing), I really need an iPod that'll allow me to bring all my tunes anywhere and everywhere I go. Why resort to picking and choosing tracks of the day when you can kiasu-ly bring them all with you, right? Right. Semangat Pulau Pinang selalu. Tene nene.
Plus, with a current iTunes music library of 10,340 songs (and growing), I really need an iPod that'll allow me to bring all my tunes anywhere and everywhere I go. Why resort to picking and choosing tracks of the day when you can kiasu-ly bring them all with you, right? Right. Semangat Pulau Pinang selalu. Tene nene.

I'm itchin' for this baby. Should I succumb
to the temptation and start scratchin'?
ipod touch is a better deal. lol
ATTN: ming
– The new 120GB one? Hmmm. But I don't really fancy touch screen stuff. That means that when I drive and all I can't just change tracks and all without looking. Not very practical lah. Dangerous summore.
how much?...and can i have all your 10K collection??? my HD still empty....... :(
I too arrived at my 80gb classic based on the same reasoning!! Used to run a 4gb 1G nano...got sick of not having that particular song i wanted to listen to when the mood hit.
Picking songs to fit into that 4gb thingy was a real pain!
Classic FTW, tho mine stays docked in the car most of the time now *grinz*.
i said it once and I'll say it again.
hehe, cause thats the one I'm using. But I didn't pay for it..technically. Think credit card points. :P
Oooh but what about the Ipod touch?...is too cool for school la
ATTN: sheon
– Hahaha. Can. Next time I just bring my external for our meets lor. Easy. =p
– Yeah! I can't imagine having to choose songs. Eeyer! That's the whole point of having a device you can carry around maaa. You wanna carry your whole library around, too! Haha.
(Kiasu, wei. =p)
ATTN: choco
– Haha. Yes yes! We heard you loud and clear! =p
WAH! You use cc points? You always swipe swipe swipe wan ah? Can have so many points wan!!
ATTN: sabrina
– I'm not a fan of touch screens. I hate the finger print marks all over the place and I don't think it's really practical cos no matter where I go and what I do, I need to LOOK at the screen in order to hit the right buttons. For the classic, all I need to do is feel. I can even do that while driving. =)
iPod touch not practical lah. And it's so ex for so little space. -_-
Haha. No la. Not mine. My mom's. Cause she hasn't used her points for a rather long time so got cc points bank. wakaka.
I don't use credit cards. Not of age nor do I trust myself with it. :P
Wait! The Zune 120GB is coming, soon. wireless sync to your mac. Its superior to the Classic.
And according to this, here's a comparison of Zune's MixView and ipod's Genius.
erm, unless, your Mac has also installed Windows as a secondary OS. Otherwise, zune is only pc-based. boo.
ATTN: Chris
– Eee. PC stuff. Bleh. So potong stim. -_-'
ATTN: choco
– Answered Chris' comment then realised I didn't reply yours yet. Haha. Whoopsie. =p
And yeah. Credit cards are the devil's plastic to some. But to me, it's very convenient. I'm not addicted to credit spending wan. (Thank goodness.) Every month pay off everything. Safer. =)
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