Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I'm NOT Crazy. I'm NOT Paranoid. And It's NOT An Irrational Fear.

I've been shat (shitted?) on by birds more times in my life than I care to remember. (I distinctly remember the first experience to be extra traumatising. I got a splat right down the front of my face by a very accurate bomber crow at Public Cafe, Gurney Drive. T_T) It's like bird shit just gravitates my way. -_-''' And trust me, I wish I was kidding you but I so am not. T_T

I also used to have crows caw and swoop down over and over again to attack me at my first house in Penang (12P, Jalan Delima =p) no thanks to Dee who accidentally rolled over and killed one of their chicks with the automatic gate. He opened and closed and opened and closed the gate numerous times cos he thought it was funny that an open gate orchestrated a lot of cawing and a closed gate didn't. And then he found out why. @_@ Whatever. This is his fault. I blame him for my plight. >(

People think it's me who's paranoid and that I have an irrational fear (a.k.a phobia) just because I'm half past crazy and a quarter to cuckoo. Few people understand the extent of my fear and fewer still help me through it whenever it strikes. (Which is whenever a bird appears. -_-''') Some try telling me, "Nothing wan. They're so far away! See? They don't care about you also!" Yeah. Right. What they don't understand is that those birds may just go about their business and not care about them... but they will care about ME. Cos I'M the one they want!

You think I'm crazy, don't you?
Well, think again! Cos now...

Watch and learn, people who think that these black winged demons are so innocent. For today, you'll discover that you couldn't have been more wrong.

"Wild crows can recognise individual human faces and hold a grudge for years...," says Bob Holmes in his article "If you think a crow is giving you the evil eye..." Doug Levey of the University of Florida in Gainesville adds, "We may think they are just bystanders minding their own business – but we are their business." 

You see??? It's not paranoia!
HAH! And with that, I rest my case.


hon said...

hahaha! you are a confirmed corvidophobia case.

Pam Song said...

ATTN: hon
– Hahaha. True. But wait! I'm also scared of OTHER birds. Just a liiittle less scared. =p

Terence Song said...

Gulls are just as bad...

陳一豪 said...


Pam Song said...

ATTN: Terence Song
– True dat! And they're big! And brainless! And totally not scared of humans. -_-'''

ATTN: 陳一豪
– WAD??? >(

Lissa said...


Good. Luck.

jack said...

wah! ur in the CROWS hit list!!! ahhaha...

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Lissa
– T_T

ATTN: Jack
– Ya man. They say if kena birdshit means good luck, right? Well, I tell you, those people who say that never kena shit on before. It's damn bad luck lor!

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