Friday, January 14, 2011

Good News All Around

1. Late last week, on the 6th of January 2011, the Malacca Maiden officially became the Malacca MAMA! Wheee!

Her 2.9KG bundle of joy is unbelievably tiny,
but so, so very adorable! And, she cries when he cries! =p


2. Yesterday, dear LamĂ© who's never dated – cos no guy has ever been worthy of her attention =p – told me that she is now officially... IN A RELATIONSHIP! Wheee!


3. For the last few days, Melhung has been trying to get in touch with me. But cos the lines at KRPG have sucked and keep losing connectivity, my GTalk hasn't been performing at its best. But it was this morning. On my iPhone! And that's when she broke the news to me – SHE'S ENGAGED!!! Wheee!


Gosh, you won't believe how very happy I am for all you girls but... I AM! Some of you have waited for this moment a long time (to start dating/to get engaged), while some of you were totally born to play this part (mummyhood). Gah! WE MUST MEET UP SOON! *crazy eyes* Individually, of course. Since you all dunno each other and are in three different states. HAHA.


Melhung said...

Thanks, Pammieeeeeee............

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Melhung
– Hahaha. Wheee!!!

goingkookies said...

ure working in KP?? nice...

Tis the season for engagements and weddings.. =p

Pam Song said...

ATTN: goingkookies
– KP?! Where the heck is KP? Haha. I'm at KRPG. =p

And yeah! It totally is the season for engagements and weddings! Another friend of mine (I didn't write it here cos I wrote about it earlier) just got engaged end of last year also!

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