Monday, April 12, 2010

When Sick, Eat Sick-People Food (But Don't Trust Your Housemate To Cook It)

Cleared the G1's card today and found this:

I can get pretty anal about the size of my chicken balls.
The Owner's been on the receiving end of my complaints before.

Ended up cooking glass noodle soup last Saturday night cos I'd OD-ed on plain porridge and salted egg the few days before while I was having food poisoning. Haha. This pic totally reminded me of a conversation I had with The Owner last week when I told him I was cooking porridge and salted egg:

The Owner: What are you having for dinner?

Pam Song: I'm just going to cook porridge at home.

The Owner: *confused look* Huh? Go out and buy lah.

Pam Song: *frowns* Why? We have rice and salted egg wat. Just cook at home lah! Save money.

The Owner: *frowns back* But how you want to cook?

Pam Song: (Now, I'm confused.) Huh? With... urm... a pot and... urm... fire?

The Owner: *more confused* Huh?? But but... (ladies and gentlemen, here comes the punchline) we don't have a porridge-maker!!

Pam Song: -_-'''

You know, I'm not the greatest cook on the planet but I'd really like to know how life was like for him before I became his housemate.


ChickLit said...

Epic Man FAIL.

Lissa said...

LOLOLOL. Porridge maker. HA!

Pam Song said...

ATTN: ChickLit
– You said it!

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Lissa
– So cannot make it, right? Haha. Now, what would men do without us women, eh? =p

Lissa said...

Staaaarve! Or get fat and broke from eating out all the time. :D

test said...

ROLF! but without Porridge maker still cook Porridge if/provide u know how

PS: just tapao !

Pam Song said...

ATTN: Lissa
– HAHAHA. You know, I think I'd have to agree. So it's either opposite end of the spectrum. Very fat... or very thin. =p

ATTN: Spectre
– Haha. Cannot make it lah you! =p

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