They tell us the bubble's bursting. That the economy's on its way down. That bad times are comin'. Yes, yes. Tough times, these are. BUT... there are things one must do regardless of the economic situation. Regardless of the impending crash. Things that require the painful (but necessary) release of RM120 RM125.
Say 'hello' to Converse All Star.
That's not my foot, by the way.
I ain't got McDonald feet hanging from my ankles.
I ain't got McDonald feet hanging from my ankles.
But wait. This isn't just all fun and games. As much as statement tees are all the rage, the latest in thing is this: Statement Shoes.

These shoes say (in Tim Tam's own words),
"This pendatang has got nicer shoes than you."
"This pendatang has got nicer shoes than you."

There ya have it, Tim Tams. Your 5 minutes of fame
on Tinki Talks. Next time, I'm charging. -_-
on Tinki Talks. Next time, I'm charging. -_-
hey....kick-ass sneakers.
ATTN: sheon
– Haha. It's those laces that bump it up the cool scale. Take those off and they're school shoes. *evil grin*
it was 125 btw, not 120.
and i've never seen a pair of school shoes with china's flag on it. unless of course, you went to a communist school.
in any case, i'm still not famous so this doesn't count as my "5 minutes of fame".
try harder? :p
"This pendatang has got nicer shoes than you."
you ah?! Really sampat kau kau la....Hahahaha =P
why the legs look so short wan?
ATTN: tim
– 5 bucks. Can close one eye? =p
And I was generalising. One tiny red speck with yellow pixels is negligible. We're looking at the big picture. The big, white, canvas picture. Haha.
You don't know if you're not famous yet!!! At least they now know you've got cool shoes and short legs, right? =p
ATTN: Adrian Lim
– EH! Dun simply say say. Not I sampat okayyy. It's Tim Tams!
ATTN: Jeffro
– Haha. Tim Tams is actually not short. Haha. Not at all.
but it looks short..
hmm.. it reminds me of short fingers.. who's were those again?
*thinks hard* man, it's hard to think with a faulty memory..
ATTN: Jeffro
– You're getting old. Time to give in to age. Go ahead. Forget.
ah-har! i remember it now!
it was ur short fingers, in some previous post.. =P
Ooopsie.. *runs away very, VERY fast*
ATTN: Jeffro
– ROAR!!! Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!
*pops out head behind the wall*
Patience woman.. Patience..
ATTN: Jeffro
– Ini mia topik tak ade kaitan with patience!!!
*runs after Jeffro with pisau gila babi besar*
skrang bulan ramadhan..
sabar ialah separuh daripada iman..
*Puts a "halal" sticker on ur pisau*
*runs like a gila babi, fast fast*
ATTN: Jeffro
– Sticks Halal sticker on Jeffro's legs. Now he can't run like gila babi already. Kalau lari, tak Halal lagi!
*catches Jeffro*
*karate chop gila babi power*
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