So what happened on your way to Taipei, you ask?
Well, lots.
Arrived at the Penang International Airport nice and early. (Kinda sorta.) Grabbed my tickets from the Malaysian tour guide and started psyching myself up for the trip, tix in hand.

Hey, I was so early that I even managed to sneak in a shot of myself while waiting for breakfast, AND MAKE A STAB AT AH BENG WITH THAT SHOT for not being able to fit into the tee I was wearing that day. Hah! (He actually wanted to buy it while we were at the Cheras Wednesday Night Market. Tee hee.)

You can't blame me for showing off and syok-sendiri-ing, okay. There's not much else to do but self-entertain at that point in time. Nothing much talk about or do at Penang International Airport at all. It's a puny, small-ish airport with nothing to shout about. It doesn't even have free-for-all comps or WiFi. (I think.) Super sad case.
In fact, since we're on the topic, it's so sad and pathetic that Nandos closed down. Can you believe that??? Nando's closed down!!! Sigh. And there I was hoping for a nice juicy piece of Nando's breast meat in hot gravy for lunch. Sigh. Mana tau... CHAP LAP! -_-
So we ended up settling for chicken at Kenny Rogers instead. Bleh. Doesn't even come close. So... I ended up camwhoring instead. It was a whole lot more interesting than that lump of meat I had on my plate that they called 'chicken'.

And dear Mama joined in. Tee hee.

Camwhoring runs in the family perhaps? =p
Anyhew, we didn't have to camwhore long. Boarding time came along and we all went in. Surprisingly, I didn't beep when I walked through the door frame-lookalike scanner. Haha. At least don't have to kena molest this time around. Tee hee. I think it's cos I stopped wearing belts with metal buckles.
And then... I saw it.
The very beautiful chunk of flying metal that would bring me the 1955.78 miles (that's 3147.44km) to my holiday destination.

Ahhh, be still my beating heart.
The beauty lies there still. Waiting.
I am near, my dear! I am near!
Heh. So drama.
Tired lah wei. I told you I had
a crazy week just before the hols ma.
Anyhew, I woke up just in time to catch the sun go down.
Before the edges of the sun grazed the horizon.


The beauty lies there still. Waiting.
I am near, my dear! I am near!
Heh. So drama.
Anyhew, I boarded Flight CI674 and from there on out, the adventure began. Though I slept through the most part of it. Haha.
Tired lah wei. I told you I had
a crazy week just before the hols ma.
Anyhew, I woke up just in time to catch the sun go down.
(My dad, on the other hand, got caught – and reprimanded – by the stewardess
for taking pics with his Samsung OMNIA. Haha. Apparently In-Flight Mode
doesn't count in flight. *rolls eyes* Go figure.)
for taking pics with his Samsung OMNIA. Haha. Apparently In-Flight Mode
doesn't count in flight. *rolls eyes* Go figure.)



Sigh. This is what makes being an air stewardess worthwhile lah, I tell you. It's not the money; it's not the rep; it's not necessarily the globe-trotting. It's that brilliant sunset on-air you catch. It's that brilliant artwork of God that you get to appreciate from where few others get to. Nice.
Now, boys and girls, I've got to rush off for my date with a very important man. Having said that, tales of me in Taiwan will have to wait till I've got more blogging time on my hands, alrights? Haha. (So sad case these days. No time for anything.) Cheerios!
p/s: Darn it, he just called. I'm officially late. Gotta ruuunnnnn!!!
don't worry, i was 1 year late with my UK.. so i'm sure u can delay ur taipei a little with no problems :D
you look cute when you fall asleep...somebody please use the pillow to tickle her nose....=P
ATTN: RealGunners
– HAHAHA. ONE YEAR?! You're terrible! Actually, I had a Bangkok post I was supposed to make also. But... dunno what happened to that wan also already. Then my comp crashed so all pics also hilang already. Haha. Sad case wei.
ATTN: Adrian Lim
– Haha. Nobody looks cute sleeping unless they're babies lah. I look spastic. Bleh.
awwwhh.. someone was asleep.. ^_^
btw nice view out of the side window.. ur mum's cool!
if it were my mum, she'll go Hmmmph! sendiri buat! then only helps me wif camwhore.. LOL
ATTN: Jeffro
– Haha. Yeah, I was. Slept for a couple of hours I think. =p
Hey, at least your mom helps with camwhoring. Many other moms will just smack their camwhorish kids silly. Haha.
Wah liao eh, got appointment also blog. Faster show me some Taiwan food ;)
Hi Pam, I didn't know you were from Pg. Me too!
I'd been reading your blog for some time (I actually have you on my browser favs list) and I guess coming outta the closet now erh?
I've shown some blog love by linking to you on mine at
Great to see you've had a superb hol. Cheers!
ATTN: Simon Seow
– Haha. Wait. Taiwan food will be appearing in my next Taiwan post. =p
– Hello, fellow Penangite! =p
Thanks for revealing yourself. Bravo. Now you're not just a number in my stats. Haha. Thanks for linking. =) I did have a great holiday. Haha. More updates on that to come. Soon Soon. =p pictures?
ATTN: desmondch
– Haha. Of course got lah. =p I just published another post. Haha. Click *here* to read.
true true.. I've seen a situation where a fren of mine, asked his mum to help snap a pic of him, but instead u knw what happened? his mum camwhored instead, and then returned the camera to him.. LOL
ATTN: Jeffro
– HAHAHAHA. His mom rawks, too! =p
LOL.. both ur mum rawks!
well mine too! in another way..
ATTN: Jeffro
– Haha. Most mom's these days are pretty okay wan lah, hor? The modern ones. Usually not too bad already this generation. Quite open minded.
I totally agree on with that.. ^__^
ATTN: Jeffro
– Good for us lah.
I hope I become a cool mom one day. =)
I'm sure you will.. =)
then later on ur kids calling ya..
Mamma Pam.. hehehe xD
then other young ones can start calling u.. ermm.. i think i'd better not say out oso.. ^__^
ATTN: Jeffro
– Hello, my kids won't call me Mama PAM, okayyy. Why use my name? Takkan they have more than 1 mama??? Ish! So pantang!
LOL.. Mamma Pam sounds funny.. ^_^
reminds me of another nick, Big Mamma.. but of course, it's not relevant at all..
I like your photos especially the “Before the edges of the sun grazed the horizon”. Very nice!!!
ATTN: Jeffro
– Haha. You're right. No relevance there whatsoever. =p
ATTN: tolanic
– Thanks! And my gosh, you sure have gone very far back. Haha. I didn't even realise I hadn't replied Jeffro's comment. And... that also reminds me that I never finished blogging about my trip to Taipei. -_-'''
I found this topic when I searching around your “Travel” category. Auchh, you still haven’t finished blogging about your trip to Taipei? Almost 9 months already weh!!! Hahaha. Hey, your mom’s face really looks like you.
ATTN: tolanic
– Ooo, no wonder. Ya lor. I never finished this series. Happens pretty often here. HAHA. Hangat hangat tahi ayam. I usually lag cos I'm too lazy to resize and edit pictures. Haha.
You think my mom and I look alike? Haha. Darn. Then we should have joined that DKNY Delicious Mother's Day contest. Bleh.
Yeah, to edit the photos it’s really takes a lot of time. I was also lazy to edit the photos. I hope someone can help me to edit the photos. You edit it for me lah. Hehehe
You only had 4 days in Taiwan? Is it enough?
ATTN: tolanic
– Haha. No way! I can't even keep up with my own! Have you not noticed my shameful lag in Project 365? Haha.
And... actually not enough lor. More days better. I think a week is just nice.
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