Monday, May 07, 2007

Workaholism | Workaholititis | Workamania


After the dirty looks I've received and after the frowns aunties send my way, I was starting to wonder. Could I possibly be a slave to my work? Could I possibly be, what they call, a workaholic!? NOOOOO! Banish that foul word to the depths of hell!

Self-second-guessing is no fun, right?

So... I did this test.


Oh, Tickle me happy. Pun intended. Heh.

*wink wink*

You should be catching my drift right about now. If you don't, a bit the sad case di. Time to poke your head out of that shell you're in, don't cha think? Haha. The world has moved beyond snail mail and jukeboxes. (Nothing wrong with snail mailing though.)

Anyway, that test was just to confirm or disprove my suspicions lah, you know? Always good to check with a relatively more reliable source. And look what it says!!!

I'm not! Hooray, indeed.

Perfect balance, wei.

Dun play play.


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