Monday, December 06, 2010

December 2 – Writing

NOTE: This post is part of #reverb10.

December 2 – Writing.

What do you do each day that doesn’t contribute to your writing – and can you eliminate it?

If you didn't already know by now, I write for a living – to earn a meagre sum, to survive on, to spend with, to give back to the folks, and to save enough to pay off the 10 million things the wedding requires of my rapidly shrinking bank account.

I'm usually required to take on different personalities – depending on the client I'm writing for – and speak on their behalf. And I'm expected to sound just like them! -_-''' Because of that, I can honestly tell you that I don't necessarily lurrrve writing what I'm paid to write all the time.

Some industries bore me to death. *dies* While some others just make me feel like a total bimbo through and through. *blows nails, flip hair* Sometimes I play the wide-eyed, outspoken teen. Sometimes, I'm the wannabe diva who's just not quite there yet. At other times, I'm a glamorous tai tai. I've even played the pompous male chauvinist. Sounds like fun role-playing. But it isn't always.

Plus, over the years, I've also had the honour of encountering clients who are so super skilled in sucking every ounce of grey matter from my brain over Client-Agency meetings that just sitting in their presence drains me of all intelligence. -_-''' (Makes make me wonder how I managed to qualify to join the International High IQ Society after all that Client-Agency time I clocked in. *snorts*)

But that's what it's like writing on someone else's behalf. It ain't a bed of roses all the time. But I manage. I deal. I take a deep breath, put on some good music, go game face (that means putting on my stupid-bored-bimbo writer's mask)... and then I start typing. (I am so not a pen and paper girl. Haha.)

But that's work.
It's different with blogging. =)

Most things contribute to my writing here at Tinki Talks. Food, work, events, conversations, friends, family, love – just all of life in general, really. No elimination necessary. And I wouldn't have it any other way. =)


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