Friday, April 17, 2009


Okay, so I changed my mind about this.

But only cos obsessing about the day without ranting about it in any way sucks way bigger time than coming clean and telling you what my day was made of. Too much pent-up frustration so... here goes.

Big drama. Panic attack. Lots of talking. Way too much speculating. More panic attacks. Distraught talent. 7-hour recording. Headache. No breakfast, no lunch, 2 slices of bread for tea, no dinner, and no more gas in car. Hungry. Me. And the car. Roadworks. Bumper to bumper. Jammed all the way home. Grumpy. Sad. Disappointed. Emotionally drained. Mentally exhausted. Tired of it all.

There, I said it.

I hope feeling-better kicks in soon.



yapthomas said...

*hands over an ice cream to Pam*

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